Love Letter My Husband

Love Letter My Husband

A Love Letter to My Husband

5 years ago today we met for the first time,
the moment you smiled I knew you were the one.

Within 3 months you gave me the greatest gift I have ever received,
It was unexpected but the way things were supposed to be.

Within 5 months you asked me to be your wife,
to be a family and start a new life.

Within 9 months we said our marriage vows,
to be together forever and never be apart.

In just less than a year our angel girl joined us,
she brought us closer than we had ever been,
at the same time she pushed us apart and made things hard.

Before our angel turned two you gave me another gift,
what a surprise it was too soon!

Now our boy is turning 2 and girl has just turned 4,
they give us joy and troubles too,
but I would have it no other way.

Our journey together has not always been easy,
in fact some times have been really hard.

The last 5 years has been a roller coaster,
happiness and struggles all rolled into one.

I’m sorry for the hard times I given you,
especially after our daughter’s birth.
I didn’t want to hurt you,
I just coped the best I could.

Thank you for loving me no matter what I do,
for forgiving me when I’ve been nasty to you.

Thank you for being faithful,
in your heart and body too.

Thank you for being a family man,
you put our children first.

I’m sorry for moaning you don’t do the dishes,
and then when you do for moaning too,
for saying they’re not clean enough
and washing them all over again.

I’m sorry for when I work so late,
then being too tired for you.
I’m trying to make us a better life
to spend more time with you!

Thank you for understanding this,
for being supportive and patient with me.

The baby years are over now,
they don’t need so much from me.
I’m hoping now I will have more to give to you.

I love you with all my heart,
I can’t wait for another 5 years spent with you.

Your wife
A Love Letter to My Husband

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  1. HI Lynne

    Sounds like you need to buy a dishwasher.

    Seriously though that’s a nice letter. Might show it to my partner and then sulk that she doesn’t write stuff like that for me anymore.


  2. Hi Lynne,
    This is so beautiful! It really touched me because I know exactly what you are talking about. My husband and I had some very hard times after the birth of our son who is now 2. The fact is that when we become mums we sometimes forget how to be wives and that can be hard for our partners. I am sometimes nasty with my husband and I say the things that I don’t really mean but soon after I apologize and I explain that I reacted like that only because I’m tired and not because he did something bad. The children are the most precious gifts that the life can offer to us but they completely change our lives and our relationships and it takes some time to accept this. I think that we should all write love letters to our partners from time to time as a reminder that the love is still there :-). I wish long life, happiness and success to your family.

    • Thanks Maja, it has been terribly hard at times, but I am sure you will agree with me when I say it has all been worth it. It is really important every now and then to remember how amazing our partners are and what we love about them.
      The truth is that I am more in love with my husband today than the day we got married. We have a history together now and the hard times really do make us stronger.
      Enjoy your son, they grow too fast!

  3. Awww this is beautiful! Times can be hard but this is a great reminder that the love still lives on and burns bright. I wish your family nothing but health, wealth and happiness for many years to come 🙂

  4. Hi Lynne
    This really hits home for me. My son is now 2.5. Like you, we have also had our ups and downs. I will admit, since becoming a mom, I sometimes neglect to be a wife. I know I’m not the wife my husband married 4 years ago. And I don’t want to make excuses, but its damn hard balancing the 2. I’m hoping that when our little one is of the age where he doesn’t need his mommy that much anymore, I can once again become the wife my husband married. Like your hubby, mine is a gem and I don’t always acknowledge that.
    Thanx to your letter, I am going to write one to my husband as well.
    love and hugs

    • Hi Cashiefa, I am so with you on that. My daughter is a lot easier at 4 years old now, and very independent. She can entertain herself quite nicely and entertain our little boy at the same time. It does get easier and then you can find some time (and energy lol) to spend on your hubby!

  5. Lynne,
    That letter is such an honest letter to your husband. Thank you for writing it.

    I am happy to know that you are all living in love and appreciating each other and have the humbleness to say “I am sorry”.

    Keep writing your story to inspire the world.


  6. Hi Lynne. That’s a really nice tribute to your husband, especially when you wrote the poem yourself. Being married takes a lot of hard work, but that’s what makes a marriage stronger.

    I like your nice and clean-looking website. 🙂

  7. Hi Lynne, what a beautiful love letter, and a wonderful reminder that it’s something we should all make the effort to do. As the years pass we get into a routine, maybe don’t treat each other as well as we should, and totally forget that when we met we used to feel, well just feel. It’s probably time for all of us to do a little remembering, and make a special effort to stop complaining about what they don’t do, and let them know how much we appreciate them.

  8. This is sooo sweet 🙂 I can totally relate. I was (and still am a bit) snappy at my fiancé since the birth of our son. I was overwhelmed and frustrated with not getting things “right” as a mother and I took out the frustrations on him because I expected him to make it better. A child brings out the good but also the bad in a person and in a relationship. One gets so caught up in doing the best for your child that you forget that it is just a tiring and frustrating for your partner. Will definitely write him an appreciation letter 🙂 He stuck with this “mommzilla” and he deserves it.

    • Haha Momzilla, yeah that describes me very well at times Nicole.

      Yes the men get it tough too and they are not only dealing with being a new dad, but dealing with an exhausted, hormonal and emotional woman that is trying to figure out being a mom. I am sure that a nice letter of appreciation will go a very long way!

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