6 Tips For Creating Bonding Moments Between Dad and His Newborn

There are many great ways for new dads to bond with their newborn babies and there will be plenty of opportunities for daddy to bond with baby to give the new mother time to rest and recover after giving birth.

6 Tips For Creating Bonding Moments Between Dad and his Newborn

  1. Involve Dad with feeding time

If you’re nursing, your partner can be involved by bringing your baby to you and help with burping him afterwards. When you are expressing, he can help with late-night feeds so that you can catch some shut-eye.

  1. Creating cuddle time

Make time in the evening for your partner to relax with holding your baby to his chest while you’re taking a bath or have a few minutes for yourself.

Read also: 7 Things Dad Can Do to Help During Labour

  1. Bonding during bath time

You can involve your partner by letting him bath with your baby or you can bath your baby together. Water has a calming effect on babies plus it can allow for special chest to skin bonding for your partner and baby which can benefit both.

  1. Creating a bedtime ritual

Encourage your partner to be involved with the bedtime routine by reading a bedtime story every night. This will help your baby to be soothed by his dad’s voice and getting familiar with the sound of his voice. Reading is an excellent bonding method, and this is something that can be carried right through childhood.

  1. Enlist Dad’s help in the mornings

Being the busiest time in the household, Dad can help by changing baby’s nappy and get him dressed after his morning feed while you’re getting ready for work or planning your day while being on maternity leave.

  1. Letting them be

Dad may do things a little different than Mom and it comes naturally to want to step in and take direction, but its best to just let them be to figure out their own way of doing things and establishing a routine. Bonding time with Dad is just as important for a baby as his bonding time with Mom.

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