Upset baby

Recognising The 7 Signs Of Baby Growth Spurts

Parenthood is a journey filled with countless beautiful moments, and one of the most exciting aspects is watching your baby grow and develop. As a parent, you’ll witness your little one achieving milestones, from their first smile to their first steps. But amidst these milestones, there’s another phenomenon that plays a crucial role in your baby’s development – growth spurts. These periods of rapid growth can be accompanied by a range of signs that might leave you wondering what’s happening. In this guide, we’ll explore the signs of baby growth spurts.

Recognising The 7 Signs Of Baby Growth Spurts

Signs Of Baby Growth Spurts

Increased Appetite

One of the most noticeable signs of a growth spurt is a sudden increase in your baby’s appetite. They might seem hungrier than usual and want to nurse or bottle-feed more frequently.

Frequent Feeding

Along with increased hunger, your baby might want to feed more often during the day and even at night.


During a growth spurt, your baby might become fussier and more irritable. They may cry more and be harder to soothe than usual.


Babies often become clingier during growth spurts, seeking comfort and closeness from their caregivers.

Parents baby

Sleep Changes

Growth spurts can disrupt your baby’s sleep patterns. You might notice them waking up more frequently during the night or struggling to settle for naps.

Changes in Diaper Habits

Increased feeding often leads to increased waste, so be prepared for more frequent diaper changes.

As a parent, recognizing the signs of baby growth spurts can help you navigate these phases with confidence and patience. Remember that growth spurts are temporary and a natural part of your baby’s development journey. By responding to your baby’s needs, offering comfort, and staying flexible, you can provide the support and care they need during these exciting periods of growth. Watching your baby flourish and achieve new milestones is a remarkable experience, and growth spurts are just one of the many ways you’ll witness their amazing transformation in the first year of life.

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  1. Good to know

  2. Tx Lynne.
    Useful info.

  3. I think my boy is having growth spurt as he wake up so many times now a nighy and day time his not in his old routine of sleepinh time and always shows signs of hunger his moan and cry for everything.

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