Pregnant Woman Holding Tummy

10 Fantastic Things About Being Pregnant

For those who are well on their way to bearing a child, I’m sure you feel the happiness and can’t wait for your bundle of joy to arrive in the world! After all, that’s the point of starting a family, isn’t it? But with all these amazing things happening, there will be a bit of discomfort along the way.

Yes, like what many mothers experience, there are painful pregnancy symptoms besides labor pain and contractions. While you are pregnant, you may feel nauseous, have weird cravings, or even experience a lot of mood swings along the way!

Because of these symptoms, you’re afraid to experience pregnancy or feel nervous about it when in your first few weeks! It can get daunting, but as time wears on, you will realize that there are so many good things about pregnancy that outweigh the bad.

Carrying your child doesn’t only mean that you have a new addition to your family, but that you will also experience so many amazing moments that have you feeling like you’re living miracles here!

For starters, you’ll always be a priority and skip lines, staying in lounges or having all your loved ones focus on you and your comfort. Who doesn’t want all that extra attention and making people feel a bit of joy as you carry your child? You’ll also feel that overflowing joy and love as you hear your baby’s heartbeat and feel his first kicks.

And that’s just the beginning! You see, there are so many things to be thankful for when you are pregnant, and it outweighs those uncomfortable symptoms you’ll feel along the way. Yes, there will be and times and you will feel down, but don’t let that ruin the whole experience!

You will surely have an amazing time as long as you remind yourself why it feels great to be pregnant and the things you will experience along the way.

That is why I made this infographic, to remind you why there are so many amazing things about being pregnant! So read up and enjoy the little moments.

10 Amazing Things About Being Pregnant

About The Author

Hey guys, my name is Naser and I am a BSc Life Sciences student and fitness freak. I write about health, fitness and other remedies on my blogs. I am usually at the gym or strolling in the woods the time I am offline. Let’s connect.


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  1. Fatima Bibi Hoosen

    I loved being pregnant. I didn’t have difficult pregnancies and no morning sickness so that was a huge bonus
    I also always felt very beautiful when I was pregnant and enjoyed the extra attention and care from those around me

  2. Morning sickness? More like afternoon sickness! Hehe. Biggest craving was oreos. But seeing that first movement of baby or feeling it was just the best! Loved it.

  3. I am absoltely in love with being pregnant. I am 23 weeks at this stage, and I thank God every day for giving me such an amazing experience. I had no morning sickness, felt a bit quizy at times but thats it. Now in the second trimester I have so much energy and oh the joy on peoples on faces when they greet me in the mall, sound wierd but I love that kind of attention cause all of a sudden everything is about me… hehe I love doing the shopping for the baby room, and all the toys and all the planning on what bottles we’re going to use, what nappies, its amazing how every product is different in its own way…. I LOVE BEING PREGNANT!!!!!!!!

    • You are so fortunate having a smooth pregnancy so far, I wasn’t so lucky with my first baby – I put on a huge amount of weight very fast and I had so many unpleasant pregnancy symptoms it was hard to keep smiling or enjoy being pregnant! Just remember if you have a second one it could be completely different. My second pregnancy as a breeze compared to my first.

      • I know I am so blessed. Third trimester is still waiting on me, so we’ll have to see how that goes. I think the only pregnancy symptoms I have is the fatigue, and the heartburn? Yet the moment the baby starts moving it all just fades away and gets me so excited for that moment to just hold him tight and to know he is mine for keeps… Its actually quite amazing how every woman experience pregnancy differently, and also how every pregnancy in its own way is different from another…

  4. The first trimester was just a whole lot of sleeping, but after that I enjoyed it so much. I miss the kicks, I miss how I enjoyed my curves (for once!), I miss the planning and excitement, and I definitely miss eating an entire peppermint tart without feeling guilty 😉

  5. I enjoyed being pregnant. People said to me that I must enjoy every moment, because it will be over so quickly and they were right.

    The first trimester was horrible in the beginning. I didn’t have morning sickness. I had afternoon and evening sickness!! There was very little that I could eat that didn’t make me nauseous. But as soon as the second trimester started, things were much better. The nauseousness went away and I wasn’t uncomfortable. Instead of gaining weight, I lost weight with my pregnancy. Probably because I steered away from any meat! I survived on chicken (in moderation) and more healthy choices like fruit and vegetables. I only had two cravings. Frozen skinny fries baked in the oven with Robertsons salt & vinegar spice. I still love those. And orange juice. I craved for orange juice the whole time. The last stretch of my third trimester was not very enjoyable. My feet were the worst. They were so swollen and painful and baba was lying on my bladder which was quite uncomfortable. I worked until the end of June and I had my ceasarian on the 08th of July. Those last few weeks at work was almost unbearable. But it was all worth it. I will not trade this experience for anything in the world. I had loads of afternoon naps while I was pregnant which is a good thing, because once that little baby has arrived, sleep deprivation is just part of being a Mommy.

  6. I really miss being pregnant. Getting the baby bump and seeing my baby on sonograms. I do not miss the all bed ay sickness i had though haha. And I didnt become a health buff. I always said i would but then i just stuffed my face with anything cheesy and I’ce cream(after the all day sickness subsided.) even with all the awful symptoms i got irt was still an amazing time

  7. We lived in South Korea for 7 years and decided we’ll try for a baby 🙂 The twins were born 14 jan 2017, and I can’t believe they’re already 1 !! I loved being pregnant, my elementary kids were the cutest, always touching and talking to my bump 🙂 Some days I miss my bump, the one place where they were safe and and also “quiet” haha

    The girls will be our only children, we can’t handle more 🙂

  8. Love being pregnant.Can’t handle the aches and pains and running to the bathroom every 5 minutes but comes with the territory I guess.Love the extra care and attention from everybody including hubby.

  9. I loved every moment of being pregnant despite nine months of not – just – morning sickness. The amazing privilege of growing a whole new person has been such a beautiful journey. From the first strange dreams through every other ‘first’ – the first ultrasound, the first time hearing his heartbeat, those first little bumps and nudges – to the arrival of my first born it has been the most breathtaking experience. And now I am enjoying every moment of our time together – even the 3:00 am and he won’t go to sleep bits…

  10. I enjoyed being pregnant. I’ve never experience so much joy and happiness ever in my life. Cherish and love every waking moment. Sadly, i can never experience it again.. maybe in my next life, if I’m lucky…

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