Christmas Stocking Fillers for Kids

10 Christmas Stocking Fillers for Kids

Here we go, Christmas is around the corner again and its time to start thinking about Christmas stocking fillers for kids!

I’m not sure about you, but I just love Christmas. There was a time in between being a kid myself and having my own kids that Christmas kinda lost its glow.

Maybe it is because when you are an adult there are no piles of presents anymore and nobody fills your Christmas stocking?

Chances are you don’t even have a Christmas stocking anymore!

My husband now looks at me like a loony at Christmas, I get so excited for my kids and I love giving them some of the Christmas magic that I remember as a kid.

Setting up and decorating the Christmas tree is a big event for us and part of that little tradition is hanging up our Christmas stockings.

Now that the tree is up and the stockings have been hung up it is time to start thinking about filling those Christmas stockings. I have done a little bit of shopping already so I have most of the things I need already.

I make it quite nice and easy by having a basic list of stocking fillers that I stick to and I thought perhaps it would be fun to share with all the mommies what I usually buy to fill my kids stockings each year.

There is nothing better than buying gifts for a baby or child!

Now remember that I have a pigeon pair so I have added in alternatives for girls and boys in my list.

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10 Christmas Stocking Fillers For Kids


Christmas Stocking Fillers for Kids

1 Chocolate money

To me these are an essential Christmas stocking filler. The only explanation I can give for this is that it brings back so many memories of my granny that passed away when I was 21. She would spoil us so much and every time I think of chocolate money I think of her.

Christmas and special traditions were really big for her and she always made Christmas magical. So in my granny’s memory I always put chocolate money into my kids Christmas stockings.

If you are in South Africa you can easily get chocolate money from a number of stores. I just bought mine from the Crazy Store, but I know Clicks usually stocks them and of course Woolworths does too if you want to spend that extra bit for better quality.

2 A Roll or Packet of Sweeties

Sweeties are important for kids, they tell me so every day. Adding in another sweet treat will be a winner, always.

Although my kids love sweets and chocolates I like to limit it to the chocolate money and one more sweet thing.

Great Christmas Stocking Fillers for Kids

3 Kids Sunglasses

These are always a huge hit in Christmas stockings. My kids love getting sunglasses in their stockings. I have found that Ackermans is usually the best place to find them. They are well priced and they have the funkiest styles.

4 Bath Crayons or Bubble Bath

Bath crayons are awesome! I wrote a post last week about Delight Bath Essentials in Langebaan that stock really nice big bath crayons for just R25 each. You can also buy bath crayons online from Acornkids at R85 for a pack of 6 small bath crayons.

Alternatively you can just grab some fun and funky bubble bath when you next go out shopping.

5 Fun Facecloths

Facecloths need to be replaced regularly, plus I find my kids wash their faces with less fuss when my daughter has a Barbie facecloth and my son has a car on his!

To make it more fun get those Facecloths that come squashed into a square. It also makes fitting everything into the stocking easier when it compacted into the square.

I usually get these from Ackermans, I am sure they have been at the counter previously and I can confirm this soon when I go and get for this years Christmas stockings.

Great Christmas stocking fillers

6 Bubbles

Do I need to say more? Bubbles are… well bubbles! Every kid needs bubbles and it is as simple as that.

7 Wax Crayons/ Pencil Crayons

My kids are budding little artists. They love drawing and colouring in at every opportunity. Popping in some pencil crayons for older kids and wax crayons for the younger ones is a great addition to a Christmas stocking.

8 Stickers

Once again stickers are another essential that gets added to the Christmas stockings. I am not sure what is so special about stickers but my kids go crazy for them… and they drive me crazy. They get stuck everywhere… but no worries mommies, read this post about the many  uses of vinegar when this happens.

9 Hair Goodies for Girls/ Little Car for Boys

I always add in some hair bands and/ or clips for my daughter. She loves anything to do with doing her hair up so she lights up when she finds some hair accessories.

And just like my daughter loves her hair accessories my son’s Christmas stocking would not be complete without a little car!

10 Jewellery for Girls/ Rubber snake for Boys

I like to grab a little necklace and bracelet for my daughter, they have some really cute sets at the Crazy Store which won’t set you back too much.

Then for my son I add in a rubber snake, or a spider… or some sort of creepy crawly that will keep him entertained.

So mommies, that is my list for Christmas stocking fillers for kids. I hope this makes your life a little easier to get your shopping done this Christmas!

What do you buy for Christmas Stocking Fillers for kids?


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  1. ?
    Because of this, I’ve ordered my little one a Xmas stocking…. Lol

    • You have to have Christmas Stockings! My daughter got her first Christmas stocking when she was just 2 months old, and yes I filled it with all sorts and unpacked it for her lol.

      I couldn’t help it, I just had to do it.

  2. As a kid my parents use to do this and we got sweets games socks… as i grew older cutex make-up jewellery.
    I will definitely do this with my little girl starting next xmas cause she’s only a 3month old baby now and daddy will eat her chocolate money… lol

    • Marisca my daughter had her first Xmas stocking when she was just 2 months old. I can’t remember everything I put in it but I do remember putting a lot of teething goodies in. I remember getting her a cute teething ring, a rattle, teething biscuits, teething biltong and a little lion on a ring thing so attach to her pram.

      There is still so much you can add to a baby’s stocking. Of course she will never remember it but I am a big Christmas fan and I got the pics of her with all her things.

  3. Okay i will do it… yeah!!! Just love xmas!
    Good idea Lynne as those teeth are starting now. Cant tell you how many times i must change her clothes because of all the drooling. . ??

    • Yay, I am so happy for you both. It will be loads of fun. Let her pull the things out of the stocking, she’ll get the idea faster than you think.

  4. Will do!
    Cant wait for Sunday morning.

    I took a pic of her today in a xmas outfit.
    Wish i could send it to you. Is there any way that i can on website?

  5. I actually started thinking about this again the other day! I cannot believe its that time of the year again 😛
    Perhaps some help with some more ideas @lynne 😛 Haha

    • Yes I know!! I am actually going to do a video this year showing what I am filling in my kids stockings…. bit I first need to buy all the things. Did you see the kids bug watches I bought from Wish? Well those are going in, but that is all I have bought so far! It’s just a pity though since there is no chance you would be able to buy those and get receive them in time for Xmas since Wish takes 2-3 months!

      I will have the video done as soon as possible @tamara737 🙂

  6. @lynne
    Fabulous!! I cannot wait! You make being a mama a little easier with all your hints, ideas and posts 🙂
    I did see the watches, yes. I tried SO hard to stay away from WISH – but i failed and even ordered something else – so am now waiting for Delivery! Honestly i wish i hadn’t avoided it for so long, would have done ALL my xmas shopping there 🙂

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