Week 8 My Weight Loss Journey

Yes I know this post is a day late, but to be blatantly honest the way that this last week has gone it is a miracle this post is being published at all!

This week has been rather trying with me having extremely low energy levels and not feeling too well. On Friday I took great strain just trying to get my posts published and shared on social media, never mind exercise!

On Saturday morning I went to the doctor when I realized I had a bladder infection. He took my blood pressure and it was incredibly low which would account for my low energy levels.

He gave me some meds and some antibiotics. I also have to go back because he wants to test my insulin levels and iron levels as well as test my thyroid just in case.

Then I had to deal with shopping in the mad pay day rush to buy my daughter’s birthday present and goodies for her birthday party before heading to the Spur to have a pre-birthday celebration with her closest friends.

On Sunday we had a little family gathering, thankfully my mother in law organized everything for that otherwise I am not sure I would have made it!

Then on Monday I threw a party at my daughter’s play school for her and her classmates and her little brother. It was a total of 23 kids. Need I say that by the end of that party I was finished?

I have spent the rest of the week just trying to recover from all of that, never mind fit in any exercise. My work is behind and my energy levels are still quite low.

That said it has not been an easy week to cope with my 2 kids and my weight loss goals and plans are out the window.

So yes my update is late, but I nearly didn’t get it done! I will catch up with you all next week Wednesday, hopefully in better health and higher energy levels ready to take down this weight loss mission. 

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  1. Sorry @lynne i hope you get better and continue with your journey never mind this week .

  2. @lynne – we are at the end of the day – only human!! You have done exceptionally well, but your health is more important!
    If it makes you feel any better 😛 my healthy eating also went RIGHT out the window and for no reason whatsoever – I’ve been stuffing my face with junk food and cream soda for days now 🙁
    Given myself until Monday to sort my head out 😛

    • So it is not just me! And I find it so hard to pick up and get going after a set back like this. I keep telling myself, just one more day and then I will get to it!

  3. I know EXACTLY what you mean – and then for me one day turns into two and so it keeps going – got on the scale this morning and have put on 2Kgs – which makes me eat even more LOL

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