It may seem like simple advice to follow, but the truth is that adjusting to wearing a mask in public has been a tricky time for many of us. It’s about to get a bit trickier with local authorities developing their own rules around mask-wearing for motorists to put a stop to any complacency, forgetfulness, or defiance in their communities.
Yes, there are now 5 offenses that could lead to R1,000 fines and these regulations which were initially issued for KZN will be enforced in regions across the country.
Here’s a rundown on the 5 ‘mask-offences’ that could saddle you with a fine, plus some advice on how to avoid these penalties.
The 5 fines you could pay:
- Failure by drivers or operators of public transport vehicles to ensure passengers wear their masks.
- Failure by managers or owners of buildings for public use to ensure that members of the public wear their masks.
- Failure by school principals to provide sufficient masks to pupils.
- Failure by workplace owners to provide all staff with cloth face masks.
- Failure by management officials in the workplace to equip staff with face masks and allowing employees to work without face coverings.
All of these fines come in at R1,000 each, with the exception of school principals who will be fined R500.
Driving with a mask in your personal car
Ah yes, the all-important question of what to do in your own car. It seems that passenger cars transporting family, friends, or others could also be stopped if people on board aren’t wearing their masks. Because the law appears to be open to interpretation, we’d advise you to play it safe. You may only get a telling off or you could be susceptible to legal action at the behest of the police officer in question.
If you’re pulled over and weren’t wearing your mask, then make sure that you put it on when speaking to the police officer. Be courteous and respectfully discuss the police officer’s concerns and ruling on the way forward.
The take-away from these rules is that while COVID-19 continues to be a threat, we need to be vigilant about our mask-wearing habits. Make sure you always have it on you and wear it to prevent putting yourself and others at risk.
While you’re trying to avoid paying fines and saving more money for that holiday you so desperately need (because at this point, we all need a holiday) you could take this opportunity to explore cheaper car insurance. Take a look at this comprehensive car insurance option which decreases your premiums every single month in line with the depreciation of your car. You could save even more (up to 20% on your premiums) by insuring multiple cars with the same provider who offers a multiple car discount on top of their decreasing premiums model. If you’d like to find out more, just get a quote here.
Wow! Some of the rules sound ridiculous to be honest. If we are a family driving to town in our own car, I don’t see a need to put on a mask. We stay together in the same house and we dnt put on masks in the home.. Only when we exit the vehicle then we are bound by the rule of wearing a mask.
I know right? We also don’t bother with masks in our car because it is only ever me and the kids and it makes no sense at all.