Gift Wrapped red string

Stores That Offer Free or Discount Gift Wrapping

It doesn’t matter if you’re giving or receiving; when the present is gift-wrapped, it makes a remarkable difference in the presentation. It is for this reason that any higher-end store offers a tiered system of in-house gift-wrapping ranging from the discounted service, to the outright free service.

In fact, free gift-wrapping services is such a competitive space that department stores that cannot offer the full thing will nonetheless give you a free box and wrapping supplies. For the socially-conscious, there are stores that shuttle all the proceeds from their paid gift-wrapping service to various charities. With that said, let’s check out the top stores that have attractive gift-wrapping services for the consumer.

Stores That Offer Free Or Discount Gift Wrapping

  1. Walmart

Although the superstore Walmart does not specifically offer free gift-wrapping services, the actual cost is definitely in the “discounted” services category. It will cost you just $3.88 for each item you want gift-wrapped; the items will come in an attractive blue box with a white ribbon attached. There is, however, free gift-wrapping available if you are gifting jewelry.

2.Von Maur

Von Maur is a highly-regarded department store chain that markets lifestyle products; these include men’s and women’s clothes and shoes, as well as accessories and children’s clothing. There is free gift-wrapping all year round; even the delivery is free inside the continental United states.

  1. Tiffany & Co

Tiffany & Co has an eye-catching gift-wrap option; every single purchase you make from here comes with a free, matte-blue box with a dazzling white cloth ribbon. The company name is emblazoned on the box, too.


The ultimate skin care products company, this uniquely US business continues the tradition of parent company Estee Lauder by offering free gift-wrapping with all orders. In fact; you can opt to have each item of a multitude of them wrapped separately.

  1. Nordstrom

The quintessential high-end clothing brand that nonetheless has a wide reach, Nordstrom has a three-tiered gift-wrapping service:

  1. $5 for a gift box, unwrapped but ready to go
  2. $2 for a kit with which to make your own gift box
  3. FREE word gift message, with a loose limit of 8-12 words
  1. MAC Cosmetics

The normal, non-promotional price for professional gift-wrapping from MAC Cosmetics is $4.95; however, they often offer promotional periods during which this service is free. Check on the company website for when you’re eligible for the free version.

Store gift boxes

  1. L’Occitane

A beauty supplier extraordinaire, L’Occitane has products that hail from the South of France and offer American buyers free gift=wrapping services. In fact, you can either specify that it gets wrapped before shipping, or that they send the flat decorative box to you so you can put your own finishing touch on it.

  1. JCPenney

The former sales giant is still going strong, and although they do not regularly offer free gift-wrapping, they do make it easy with a $4 flat fee per package bought online. In-store, the box is free, but you’ll have to purchase the wrapping paper.

9.The Banana Republic

This old stalwart among the fashion-conscious will provide you with gift boxes for free with your purchase or order. If you want it wrapped, though, you’ll have to go through the premium packaging option.

  1. Gap and babyGap

Gap will also give you boxes that aren’t assembled for free; if you want the personalized gift-wrapping option, it will cost you $6. The same is true at babyGap; except it will cost you $5 since babies are smaller (supposedly).

  1. Bobbi Brown

A common name for a unique company; Bobbi Brown offers free gift-wrapping but you must remember to select this option when you’re ready to check out your shopping cart.

  1. Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble, everyone’s favorite book store for the last several decades, is still going strong even in the midst of Amazon’s book-space takeover. Local charities send volunteers to gift wrap items, which translates to almost-free services for you – however much you wish to give is acceptable and much-appreciated.

Red wrapped gift

  1. Aveda

You can unlock the free shipping mode in Aveda if you order at least three products – all of these products must appear on the company bestseller list, however. You can also make your very own customized gift wrap for a small price.

  1. Apple

The House that Steve Built is still at the forefront of the tech market for consumer gadgets; their hallmark red and white gift box isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, either. It costs a little bit, but comes with a personal engraving on an iPod or iPad at no extra cost.

  1. Amazon

Home of the wealthiest man in modern times, the internet sales giant has an affordable gift-wrapping price range of $3.99 – $5.99. Bigger items come with a reusable, thick cloth bag.

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One comment

  1. Toys R Us in Gateway does have this available at the exit station.

    It is really convenient when it comes to attending a kiddie’s party, you get to buy the gift and get it wrapped before you leave the store. I know in the December period they have staff to assist in wrapping of presents but during the course of the year it is a self-service option. I am not sure if this is a franchise trait or if it is just available at the Gateway branch as I have not visited any other Toys R Us stores recently besides the Gateway branch.

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