Status of shared parenting bills in the us

Status of Shared Parenting Bills in the US

Divorce can really be a depressing and stressful, unsettling, life-altering event. A once happy and ideal relationship is ending, all sorts of routines are upset, and on top of all these transition stresses, there are legal hoops to jump through before things could be resolved.

You have a very difficult situation, indeed. And one of the mere challenges they have to face is the custody of their child or children. Sadly, divorce could also be a major personal crisis for children. Parents, under this situation must bear in their minds that though you will no longer be husband and wife, you will always remain a father and mother to your children. And fortunately, there are bills about shared parenting that are being passed around before state legislatures. Most of those bills are about equality in parenting responsibilities, visitations and short-term custody orders.

The ACFC or American Coalition for Fathers and Children regularly disseminate an e-newsletter to keep its subscribers and members aware of its efforts to support laws about family improvement and pass shared parenting bills across America.

Shared parenting bills

Below are the bills that stand in different states, as stated by the ACFC:

  • Alabama

Senator Bussman introduced an equally shared parenting bill called the Alabama Children’s Family Act. It states that the parents have an equal right and responsibility in making decisions about their children in issues about health, education, general welfare and others. It is hard to divide the children’s physical time to 50/50, that is the reason why utmost cooperation from both parents is important.

  • Illinois

The Steve Watkins Bill is a law to escalate the penalties for parents who will disregard the visitation agreements that were set prior to the divorce. An advocate reasoned out that the punishment to non-payment of child support is severe but when it comes to visitation matters, the courts do not have the explicit expressed authority. With this law, it gives courts the power to revoke driver’s licenses, impose hefty fines and even sentence the other party to jail time if one has been interfering or denying visitation to a non-custodial parent. If you need help in complying or in reinstating your driver’s privileges, you can ask for help with a court bond. A court surety bond ensures you will fulfill your responsibilities as ordered by law, state or federal courts. Surety bonds vary in costs, so bond pricing can be 1-10% of the bond amount. Consult a surety bond provider near you for more information.

  • Iowa

The House passes the HF345 and also known as the Joint Physical Care Bill which allows both parents to be more functional with regards to their children’s lives in an event of a divorce. The jury is allowed to award joint custody to the parents if he deems it more beneficial to the kid/s. This bill will ensure that both parents will have a quality time with their children. If this is the case, the parents will have to sit down and write a plan to help address every issue that may arise.

  • Maryland

Same with other states bill, the SB909 or the senate version HB1132, deals with the equality of time, responsibility, and decision making of both parents, if they are deemed fit, for their children. They will have an equal voice in making important decisions and neither is superior to each other. This bill will soon be up for voting.

  • Minnesota

The Center for Parental Responsibility is still on the process of working to pass a joint custody bill. If this will be passed as a law, family courts will then have to look for clear evidence that an abuse may take place before they may reduce a parent to child relationship.

  • Oregon

In this state, hearings about HB3064 is already beginning. It is about joint custody and parenting time but it will only be temporary. ACFC quoted an old saying that states: “there’s nothing more permanent than a temporary order,” as this is very true in a family court.

  • South Dakota

The parenting bill in this state was not able to get enough votes in the senate a couple of times already. It was also one signature away from the governor’s. ACFC states that the supporters of the bill are trying to push it again next season and they are pretty confident that it will be already be approved.

  • Texas

AFCF said that it is just about time for children of Texas to be with their parents again. That is by emphasizing how to separate parents from their money and keeping the relationship between the parents and children intact.

  • Wisconsin

The bill is still being debated upon in Wisconsin. The goal of the said bill is to place a regular schedule that will let the children to be with their divorced parents regularly.

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