SACAP school leavers

SACAP Boosts School Leavers’ Vocational Options – Launch of Two Business-Focused Higher Certificate Programmes

SACAP (South African College of Applied Psychology) has announced the 2022 launch of two new Higher Certificate educational programmes in its Management and Leadership faculty offering school leavers a vocational pathway into the South African business sector.  The SACAP Higher Certificates in Business Management and Human Resources Management are accredited, one-year programmes that include industry-oriented content and applications so that graduates are fit to enter the workplace.

While a Higher Certificate qualification can make up for a Matric without a Bachelor’s pass and serve as a bridge into a degree educational program, it is also relevant to those who want to make a career change or update their skills-set.  The new SACAP Higher Certificate programmes builds on the success of their popular Higher Certificate in Communications and Counselling, and augment SACAP’s overall portfolio of Higher Certificates, Bachelor’s and Honour’s degrees.

Lee-Ann Drummond, SACAP’s Head of the Management & Leadership Faculty says, “The new Higher Certificate programmes are a form of bridging into the B.App.Soc.Sci providing a certain number of transferable credits.  However, they are distinct from the first year of the B.App.Soc.Sci and are NQF5 qualifications with a distinct purpose and learning outcomes.  As such, they are independent, coherent and academically credible as a qualification focused on vocational skills-building.”

SACAP Boosts School Leavers Vocational Options

What Can You Do With A Higher Certificate In Human Resources Management?

This programme with its real-world focus equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to provide administrative support to HRM services in industry and to execute various human resource functions in the workplace. The qualification is a gateway for further higher education but is also relevant to those wanting to enter the workforce, and those needing to upskill in the field of HRM.

Drummond says, “With SACAP’s strength in Applied Psychology, this programme emphasises putting ‘human’ back into HRM through understanding people and the value of human capital in the workplace.  It’s ideal for those returning to the workplace and needing to update their skills; for entrepreneurs who need to build HR capacities in their start-up companies and for school leavers who want to acquire vocational skills and begin building their careers in business.”

What Can You Do With A Higher Certificate In Business Management?

This qualification is aimed at building foundational business management skills based on an understanding of basic business management theories.  It’s a comprehensive programme to acquire the skills needed to competently assist and support a variety of business management functions in the workplace.

Drummond says, “Once again the design of the Higher Certificate educational programme is based on providing highly relevant, industry-oriented content and to help students develop practical skills so that they are work-ready and capable of building careers, upskilling or taking a pathway to further studies.”

The full-time CHE-accredited SACAP Higher Certificates in Business Management and Human Resource Management are available at SACAP’s Online campus and each comprise of nine modules and 120 credits over one year.

Registrations for 2022 are open now.

To find out more or enrol SACAP Higher Certificate in Human Resources Management

To find out more or enrol SACAP Higher Certificate in Business Management

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