Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty – Everything You Should Know

Many Singaporeans are dissatisfied with the appearance of their noses. Luckily there are various options available such as nose fillers that can help provide you with the type and shape of the nose that you have always wanted.

Another highly effective method is rhinoplasty in Singapore. It is ideal for people who are simply tired of going in for regular nose fillers. However, note that this is a sensitive procedure and in fact, many patients come out of the surgery room dissatisfied with the results.

This is why it is important to do your homework and learn all you need before you commit to rhinoplasty.

Let’s find out more about rhinoplasty and if it is the right type of procedure for you.



Understanding rhinoplasty

First off what is rhinoplasty? Well, this is a procedure done on the nose to change and improve the shape. It can be for either medical reasons or aesthetic reasons.

For instance, a patient may choose rhinoplasty for the following reasons:

  • Change and improve congenital deformities
  • Improve breathing in cases where there is obstruction
  • Improve the effects of injury
  • Improve the appearance and aesthetics of the nose

Do I need rhinoplasty? 

If you have been experiencing any of the above, then chances are you qualify for rhinoplasty. For instance, if the shape of your nose has been making breathing difficult, or if you have a congenital deformity then you will need rhinoplasty.

Does insurance cover rhinoplasty?

It is important to note that in Singapore insurance will not cover rhinoplasty if it is for purely aesthetic reasons. For this, a patient will have to use their own cash to pay for the procedure.

However, if the rhinoplasty is for medical and functional purposes such as reconstructing the nose after injury or improving the breathing, then in this case insurance can partly or fully cover the treatment costs.

What can I expect before and after rhinoplasty?

After scheduling an appointment with your doctor, you will receive a thorough evaluation. Your doctor will check both the outside and inside of your nose. They may also take photographs. Moreover, your doctor will also discuss the available options.

Furthermore, he or she may also suggest other procedures such as chin augmentation to bring the entire face in harmony with the shape of the nose.

After the procedure, the patient will get a cast over the nose. This will be held in place using tape. The cast will be removed after a week or so. However, note that there will still be a bit of swelling on the nose. This can be expected to go away in a few weeks.


How long will I take to recover?

First off patients will need to know how to take care of the operated area after surgery. It is important to avoid bending over too much as this can increase swelling. Furthermore, keep the area dry and avoid at all costs to wet the cast.

Also, do not go out in the sun for at least two weeks. If you must, keep the area safe from the UV rays using a good sunblock. This will also help prevent hyperpigmentation.

Lastly, avoid strenuous physical activities for the next two weeks after surgery. Gradually the nose will heal and you will be able to resume normal activities in about 2 or 3 weeks. That said, it takes 3-4 months to heal completely.

Rhinoplasty procedure

During the procedure, the doctor will often place you under local anesthesia. It has its advantages since patients will often not have to deal with some of the negative effects of general anesthesia such as vomiting and nausea.

The doctor will then make an incision between the nostrils and work from here. How the cut is made will depend on the situation and what both the doctor and patient are trying to achieve.

Cost of rhinoplasty in Singapore

The cost of rhinoplasty in Singapore depends on the situation and what they are trying to achieve. Some cases are more complex than others.

That said the cost can be anywhere from $4,000-$20,000.

This is inclusive of:

  • the clinic costs,
  • doctors’ fees
  • medication
  • anesthesia

Note that when choosing a clinic, pick a clinic such as TES clinic that is able to offer top-notch services and treatments

Final thoughts

Rhinoplasty is a sensitive procedure. Many of the patients will often not get their desired look. It is important therefore that you choose a clinic and doctor with plenty of years of experience. This will help achieve desired goals and prevent potential side effects and risks.

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One comment

  1. Had no idea what rhinoplasty was before this, really informative

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