Awesome Easter Buys

Awesome Easter Buys to Make this Easter Extra Special

I absolutely love Easter, it is a time for family to get together and of course time for the kids to have loads of fun hunting for Easter Eggs.

The excitement on my kids faces during the hunt are priceless and of course I love watching them guzzling down all that chocolate. My favorite Easter picture so far is of my son in 2015 where he actually looks like he is going to roll over in ecstasy while chomping Easter eggs!

Happy eating Easter eggs

If you are looking for something to make your child’s Easter extra special this year here are some ideasI came across while searching for some goodies for my kids.

Easter Egg Baskets

Getting your child a special basket to collect all his or her Easter eggs in will be a lovely surprise! There are so many different ones to choose from and so many cute and original designs. You can also get some that are personalized!

Easter Bunny Ears

I get both my kids Easter bunny ears every year because it is just so cute and it adds to the festivities! Here are some gorgeous choices.

Easter Outfits

Along with the Easter bunny ears getting your child a special outfit for the day makes it extra special.

Easter Coloring In Books

Buying Easter coloring in books leading up to Easter is a great way to prepare your kids for the festivities but also once Easter has gone and all the chocolates are eaten then having some coloring in books to extend the fun is great!

Easter Toys and Books

Buying some Easter toys and books is another great way to keep the Easter fun going for as long as possible!

Easter Chocolates

And yes of course loads and loads of chocolate is needed too! I’ll be honest here I go overboard every single year with buying too much chocolate. The thing is that I want the baskets to be full and the kids to really have a ball.

Isn’t Easter the one day of the year when everyone is allowed to eat too much chocolate?

I wish all of you a wonderful time getting ready for Easter, for me half the fun is buying everything and anticipating how much my kids will enjoy it when they receive it!

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  1. wish my little one could enjoy all these awesome easter goodies and eggs…but next year he will but wow easter eggs got so expensive…

    • They got so expensive a long time ago @lisaanderson 🙂 But you have probably only noticed now that you want to buy soon for your little one. I spend so much money on Easter eggs every year and it is not like I come home with a truck of chocolate either.

  2. Im with you on that one @lisaanderson, wish my little one was able to enjoy easter as much as we did when we were kids. We used to love doing an egg hunt and then see who found the most eggs/chocolate. Cant wait till my little one is able to do it next year, I will try make it as enjoyable for him just like my parents did for us

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