Potty Training: The Night Nappy

Potty training – the Night Nappy

We are now on the last part of potty training – getting through the night without a night nappy. It has been a long journey with my 3 year old and I have had lots of feedback from other moms that their children were completely potty trained in a week. I am not sure how other moms did this, but I let my child lead the way and it has taken a year and a half! Click here to read about about potty training at 3 months old!

Our journey with potty training started with her first wee in the potty at around 18 months old, to starting to use the toilet because “potties are for babies”, the next step was no nappies for her day nap and now a week ago she told me she wants to sleep without a night nappy. I have been asking almost every night for 6 months if she wants to sleep without a nappy and the answer has always been no. The first night she slept without a nappy I didn’t ask her, she told me that she is now big and is not wearing nappies anymore.

She has made one night without wetting the bed so far and I am so proud of her. I have to wake her up every night before I go to bed to take her to the toilet. The strange thing is she usually wets the bed within an hour or two of going to bed, but makes the rest of the night and sometimes has an accident around 6am.

Click here to read about when bed wetting is a problem that needs to be addressed.

How have you approached potty training? At what age was your child fully potty trained and how long did the process take?


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  1. Me as well took me one week an my daughter is 2 an she’s no more wearing nappies she’s so in love with panties an she sleeps with them we only had one excident an after that everything well.

  2. We are currently busy with potty training my 2 year old boy and it’s not going that well but I’m hopeful he will catch on soon. He just sits on the pot but doesn’t do anything. He recently also started pulling down his nappy wanting me to take it off and pees on the floor. We bought him a seat for the toilet and will continue practicing until we get there ☺

    • Nicole it will all come, so don’t worry. He will be having a load of accidents in the next few weeks and months. My son turns 3 in December and he is almost done with potty training, except for the night nappy.

      You will find that they play around in the beginning and it takes a while and then suddenly something clicks and they start to understand. Just put him on the potty regularly and he will at some stage have a success.

      Click here for some great potty training tips.

  3. Thank you for the advice. Will do ☺

  4. My son used potty trainer last year augast untill march then he stoppes using potty,it trained him only for 7months now his pee in the toilet

  5. My son was fully trained at the age of 3 since then the is no accident even at night when he feels that he needs to go he wakes me up he never wet the bed not even once am so proud of him

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