Singing nursery rhymes

Rhyme For Kids – 10 Reasons It’s Important For Development

Many children for generations have had their parents, grandparents, or teachers singing or saying children’s rhymes to them. The comfortable rhythm of rhyme for kids or rhyme verses, allows kids at a young age, even babies to recognise familiar rhyming words.  They begin by anticipating what is going to come next, whether it being a sound, word, or action and later they start grasping the words and enjoy taking part, over and over. It is the repetition that is enjoyed most.

Some of the most conventional rhymes for toddlers have meanings that are not relevant and quite meaningless, but they are still passed on for generations. Some are obviously educational, teaching kids how to count and increasing their vocabulary skills at the same time.

A few rhymes like “London Bridge is falling down” have multiple versions (probably contingent on where you live) and the one you’ve heard as a child might be slightly different now. But one thing is for sure, the usefulness of nursery rhymes toddlers enjoy today have remained an excellent way of having fun with your little one while developing their brain. They play a valuable role in your child’s hearing awareness, pre-literacy skills, and cognitive development. The value to a kid’s learning and language foundation cannot be overstated.

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Rhyme For Kids - 0 Reasons It’s Important For Development

Importance Of Children’s Rhymes

Kids rhyme offers bite-sized learning prospects for young toddlers to develop essential developmental dexterities and can often be the induction for hours of open-ended and creative play. They are also excellent learning sources for early literacy and allow kids to become interested in patterns and rhythm of language. Just think about the alliteration of “A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea”, or you consider the onomatopoeia of “Baa Baa Black Sheep”, and rhyming words in “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. A lot of kids’ rhymes are repetitive which support memory development and jumpstart the practice of speaking and listening. Nursery rhymes offer primary benefits that are undeniable.

Rhyme For Kids – 10 Reasons It’s Important For Development

There are many benefits of teaching your children or baby rhymes from a young age, especially cognitive development. The repetition of rhymes is beneficial for a child’s brain and teaches them about language while expanding their memory skills. It also helps with developing inference skills, both when reading comprehension at a later stage, and when they learn new words. Rhyming is also essentially for speech development. It can assist young kids with developing auditory skills. Here are 10 benefits of kids nursery rhymes for development.

Language And Communication Development

Rhymes are excellent vocabulary enhancers. They often encompass a pleasing rhythmic pattern and easy repetitive phrases that toddlers and babies find easy to learn and repeat. For them to develop phonological awareness, kids must be exposed repeatedly to spoken language and the best way to do so is through nursery rhymes.

A Better Understanding Of The World

One of the best things about kids rhymes is that children find them relatable to everyday experiences and enjoy sharing such moments with their parents, caregiver, or grandparents. Practitioners can promote conversations with the kids in their care and help strengthen the bond between the environment and home.

Physical Development

The chance to re-enact a favorite rhyme is a pleasing activity for restless bodies and active minds. Physical participation in rhyme songs encourages kids to develop gross and fine motor skills along coordination, balance, and other skills required to follow basic instructions.

Boosting Creativity

The act of engaging physically or singing a rhyme, encourages kids to express themselves creatively and to locate their own voice. Opportunities for role play manifest themselves with different events and characters within the rhyme that kids can respond to either in a group or individually. Open-ended chances for play are also possible with clay, paints, wet sand, or loose parts.

Enhancing Numeracy

Songs that involve counting like “one, two ,three, four”, help children develop recognition with number words and sounds in such a way that is interesting and fun to them. Songs like “When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears” also present the concept of size, scale, and order. An understanding of counting songs offers the groundwork for vital numeracy dexterities and awareness.

Developing Phonemic Awareness

Rhymes for toddlers teach them how to pronounce words. Many nursery rhymes are packed with funny words or interjections to help kids repeat tricky groups of sounds with the idea of enhancing speech. Nursery rhymes also teach kids correct pronunciation and intonation.

Promoting Articulation And Memory Skills

Nursery rhymes contain main rhyming words, and typically groups of sounds or words that are different from regular words. By introducing children to these patterns, give their brains the input required to categorise words through their internal structure. This is a precursor for written language where kids must identify how written words sound. It helps their brains to differentiate between syllables and to recognise similarities between different words that rhyme or words that start with the same sounds.

A Better Understanding Of Concepts Through Painting a Picture In their Minds

When a child is taught nursery rhymes, it encourages creative development. When you start talking to your child from the moment he is born, throughout the years that he learns to talk, you are helping him with building a solid vocabulary base. It also teaches him to understand abstract ideas, such as big, small, first, last, and in front or behind. The words in nursery rhymes are fundamental for developing language comprehension by associating the words with objects, events, and people they encounter in daily life.

Advancing Social Routines

There are plenty of fun nursery rhymes that are sung in two parts. Teaching a child when it is their turn to sing or say their part in the rhyme, helps them with developing their social skills. He will also learn essential conversation lessons, like listening and turn-talking.

Listening Skills

Nursery rhymes tell a story. Because of the storyline, rhyming words, and the pronunciation, kids are enticed into the story and find it easier to pay attention to you. This subsequently assists them with making sense of the story and teaches them how to be good listeners.

Mom toddler playing

5 Meaningful Ways to Introduce Nursery Rhymes Into Your Setting

  • Rhymes can be chanted or sung at any time during the day. They are quick and short, and this is how you can introduce them into your setting.
  • Select an easy rhyme and use it when you are doing one of your daily routines like doing crafts, giving them a bath,  or walking with them to the playpark.
  • Incorporate “rhyme of the week” and try to make a point of singing the rhyme two to three times every day. Most rhymes take only a minute or two to sing which makes it easy to introduce lots of repetition.
  • Share picture books with nursery rhymes with your kids and encourage them to talk about the events and characters in the book.
  • Introduce a “rhyme bag” that you have filled with objects that relate to rhymes. For instance, rubber ducks that relate to “five little ducks”, or a toy teapot that relates to “Polly put the kettle on”.
  • Create flashcards with the lyrics of your favorite nursery rhymes and look for means to introduce them at different times of the day.

7 Top Nursery Rhymes For Development

There are plenty of fantastic nursery rhymes for kids that you can find in nursery rhyme books and activity packs for kids. Here are some of the best nursery rhymes for your child’s development.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again

Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed to see such fun
And the dish ran away with the spoon

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
One for the master
One of the dame
One for the little boy who lives down the lane

One, Two, Three, Four

One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite
This little finger on my right

Ring-a-ring O’ Roses

Ring-a-ring o’ roses
A pocketful of posies
Atishoo, atishoo
We all fall down

Jack And Jill

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after
Up Jack got, and home did trot
As fast as he could caper
He went to bed to mend his head
With vinegar and brown paper


I hope you have found this post about rhyme for kids – 10 reasons why it’s important for development useful and that you will teach your kids some nursery rhymes, not just for fun but to develop essential developmental skills from a young age.

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  1. That’s for the rhymes.

  2. Love this thank you so very interesting. I started singi g and telling nursery rhymes while my son was still in my stomach and even now I still do it and he enjoys it.

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