Miscarriage and Loss – Facebook Live with Lynne Huysamen and Vicky Scheepers

Recently I went live on my Facebook page Kaboutjie for the first time to talk about miscarriage and loss with Vicky Scheepers.

It was a very emotional experience for me, but I am so glad that I got to share my story live with you. There are so many women that have had miscarriages and are still sitting with that pain.

There is so much stigma surrounding miscarriage and many women feel unable to share about their experience, so let this be a space to share openly and honestly, without fear.

Vicky, a birth and bereavement doula, shared some fantastic tips for coping with miscarriage as well as how to help those that gone through it.

I am so sorry for the bad quality of the video, I will try and get the quality better over time as I figure out how to connect another camera to my laptop. Tech is not my strong point!

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  1. Miscarriage is such a traumatic period for women as the procedure and as the situation too. I’ve seen many women going into severe depression and they need a lot of support and help to get through it.
    it’s a very very emotional video when I heard you I was nearly in tears, you take care.

    • That’s it Richa, it is not just a loss, it is a highly traumatic experience for the family, especially the mother. It is not easy to get over but with time it gets easier.

  2. Miscarriage is such a traumatic experience for the mother and the entire family. It is so sad that this form of loss and bereavement is not acknowledged in the same way as the loss of any other child. I wish you well and am so pleased that resources are becoming available.

    • Yes Jenny, that is where things get really hard. It is not something that people talk easily. I’m hoping to change that for some women by being open and sharing my experience.

  3. Miscarriage is devastating. It came as a huge shock for us when it happened the first time I was pregnant. It took a long time to cope with the grief and that sense of loss. And that I had trouble conceiving again, made it all the more pronounced and difficult to cope. Am glad that there are women like Vicky who offer support in times when it is needed the most.

    • I’m so sorry you experienced this too Shilpa and it must have been so traumatic to have it happen with your first pregnancy. I think the fact that I had my two kids really helped me so much. I had something really good to focus on.

  4. I remember reading your post last year. Listening to your story again gave me goosebumps and made me very emotional. It is important that both men and women are supported through this trauma. It is something that maybe only time can heal.

    • It has been a very bumpy road Rajlakshmi – and yes time has helped! I’m busy with a new post on this – things are moving along when it comes to my healing and I need to share that with everyone.

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