Child in wheelchair

How to Survive a Music Festival While in a Wheelchair

With summer just around the corner, we’re sure you already have a full list of music festivals, fairs, and other outdoor venues you’re looking forward to checking out. Unfortunately, going to a music festival if you’re a disabled person could prove difficult, if not impossible. Between the drunken crowds and the grass you must not get stuck in, music festivals can still be fun if you follow these simple rules ahead.

Make sure to contact special services before arriving

According to the rules in the United States, you must have a designated person from the special services department to assist you throughout the journey. This person can help make your stay more pleasant and provide all the necessary information for easy access. You should know in advance the exact location of all the stages, charging station points, first aid points, and, of course, the bathrooms.

Contact the festival organizers

Although big festivals do provide some facilities for disabled people, don’t expect regular town fairs or smaller festivals to think about your special needs in advance. Therefore, you should try and contact the organizers and ask them if there is any chance they could make the venue more welcoming for people with special needs.

In this case, toilets are extremely necessary, especially if you plan on spending more than a couple of hours at the festival. Although buying a cheap one is not a good idea, the organizers could consider investing in some special, larger toilets for people with disabilities.

Bring your own water

One of the perks you will be enjoying as a disabled person is that you’re allowed to bring some of your own stuff inside the venue. And, while all other party people will have to buy water and other drinks at high festival rates, you can get hydrated with a one-dollar bottle just like anywhere else.

That being said, feel free to drink as much water as you can throughout your stay. Don’t forget that spending a lot of hours out in the open, without too many places to hide from the heat and the harmful sun rays, can cause severe dehydration, headaches, and heat strokes.


Prepare for rude and drunk people

We all know how it’s like with most festivals – people start drinking as soon as they arrive at the festival and won’t stop until all the bands play and all the beer is gone. Therefore, you should prepare for what people might have to say or ask when it comes to your condition.

Keep in mind that, most of the times, these people wouldn’t have the nerve to approach you on the street, let alone ask you anything regarding the reason why you are in a wheelchair. However, alcohol, entourages, good music, and summer clothes can bring the worst in some.

In other words, try not to get offended by what people might say or how they might look at you. Remember that you’re all there for the same reason – to have fun. Sometimes, people might surprise you in a positive manner and help you get accommodated better by offering their front seats to you or by making room whenever you’re trying to get somewhere.

Be ready for bad weather too

Unless you plan on going to the Burning Man festival held in a desert, chances are the festival might be ruined by rain, at least for a few hours. However, while most people will be prepared with wellies and raincoats, handling a wheelchair on the muddy roads might not be a good idea.

This is one of the times when you can ask for help from some of the staff members or the friends you came with. One of them must be ready to carry you away from the rain and be able to come back for the wheelchair too.

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One comment

  1. Cheron Hercules

    Thank you for sharing

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