How to Perk Up Flowers

10 Ways to Perk Up Your Flowers – From Vodka to Viagra

I don’t know about you but I just love flowers, the problem is that sometimes as soon as you put them in the vase they can become looking a little worse for wear.

When you buy flowers from the shops they usually come with a little solution that you put in the water to keep them fresher for longer but sometimes you need to know how to perk up flowers that you have picked from your garden too, as well as the shop bought ones when you replace the water!

Firstly it is important to remember to trim the stems of your flowers at a 45 degree angle. Make sure you use a sharp knife, scissors or garden shears so that it is a nice smooth cut.

Remember to remove all the leaves and foliage that sits below the water level. Any debris in the water will cause your flowers to wilt and die faster, so make sure to keep an eye on it and fish out anything that falls in the water.

Keeping your flowers in a cool and dark place will ensure that they last longer.

Replacing the old water every two to three days with fresh water is also essential to keeping your flowers fresh.

Even with all these tips your flowers will wilt over time, so read on for some fun ways to give them a last boost.

How to Perk Up Flowers

1 Give your flowers a kick with Vodka

Add one teaspoon of vodka to one liter of water. Yes I know, it sounds strange, but this is a common remedy for wilted flowers. If you have some vodka on hand, give your flowers a drink!

2 Add lemonade to your flower vase

Adding lemonade to your flowers water gives it the citric acid it needs as well as some sugar. Adding lemonade will give your wilted flowers a last boost.

Mix 125ml of fizzy lemonade with two cups of water for your flowers.

I wonder what effect it will having giving your flowers a vodka and lemonade?

3 Perk your Flowers up with Vinegar and Sugar

This method was in my recent post about the many uses for vinegar.

All you do is mix two tablespoons of vinegar, one teaspoon of sugar and one liter of water to make up your flower mix.

4 Make your flowers minty fresh with Mouthwash

Adding one cap full of mouthwash to one liter of water is said to perk up your flowers one last time.

5 Pop a copper coin in your vase

The theory here is that a copper coin will act as an antibacterial agent that will keep your flowers fresher for longer.

6 Feed your flowers an Aspirin

Crush one Aspirin and add it to one liter of water.

7 Bleach your flowers

Add one quarter teaspoon of household bleach to one liter of water and pop your flowers in.

8 Give your flowers 7 Up

Add two cups of 7 Up soda to two cups of water and mix in one teaspoon of household bleach.

9 Lemon Juice, Sugar and Bleach

The recipe here is to mix two tablespoons of lemon juice, one tablespoon of sugar and one teaspoon of household bleach to one cup of water.

10 Perk your Flowers Up with Viagra

Yes I know, probably a bit of a strange use for Viagra right? But from what I can see it seems like it works like a charm. So add one Viagra tablet to your vase of flowers and apparently it can boost the life span of your flowers up to a week!

How have you perked up flowers before? Have you tried any of these methods?



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  1. Good to know 🙂

  2. Useful info. Never knew this!

    • Marisca there are so many cool household hacks that I want to share, some of them are really surprising too! I mean who knew vodka would get your flowers oomph back right?

  3. I better go and buy a bottle of vodka!

  4. Also never knew this but its good to know thx lynne

  5. I am not much of a vase person I am more of a pot person. I generally once a month toss the soil and I believe speeading left over tea bag over the plants and garden is good for them

  6. Investing in vodka not and it wont be for drinking i once saw someone dropping aspren in the flowers still wonder what the hell is that for the flowers will die now i know…hubby know when he buy me flowers some of them i can plant out i have a rose the one that keep growing it dies but just go again not sure what its called i try and keep this rose tree going and its so big already since i got it by adding bath and washing machine water over the tree maybe the soap in the water. These are some cool tips to keep the flowers fresh and perked up.

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