New mom baby cuddling

Discover The Most Common Pregnancy and Postpartum Disorders

Being pregnant is supposed to be a dream come true for most people. It can happen on the first attempt or take years of trying while riding an emotional rollercoaster

However, most women don’t think about the pregnancy itself or how they will feel afterward. The assumption is that it will go smoothly and they will rejoice in the joy of having a baby.

Unfortunately, for as many as one-in-five women, it’s not that simple. Mental health issues arise after giving birth and they can be difficult to overcome as the focus is always on the baby.

That’s why it’s essential that all new mothers have regular appointments with an obstetrician Sydney, or where ever you live.

Knowing the most common pregnancy and postpartum disorders will also help to ensure you get the treatment you need.

Discover The Most Common Pregnancy and Postpartum Disorders

Baby Blues

The baby blues are exceptionally common and are the result of a sudden change in hormone levels. The birth of the baby creates an influx of hormones that are no longer needed. Your body struggles to know what to do with them which leaves you feeling confused. The result is a feeling of depression. 

The good news is that this condition usually passes within a few days.

Postpartum Depression

This is less common than the baby blues but a much more serious form of depression. In effect, you’ll become depressed just as many other people do. But, the symptoms will start shortly after giving birth and will seem to last forever. In reality, most parents get past postpartum depression within a year. 

This condition often manifests as an obsession with the health of your child. Sufferers will often think about harming their baby or be obsessed that there is something wrong with the baby. 

Of course, mood changes are normal, your life has changed and you’re probably getting less sleep. But, if you’re suffering a lot of mood swings, change in appetite, and feel unmotivated, you need to seek help.

Baby sleeping on mom's chest

Traumatic Stress Disorder

You may have heard of PTSD and associated it with victims of crimes and other extreme circumstances. In fact, this can also happen after the birth of a baby. The fact is that your body has undergone extreme trauma in delivering the baby. It is possible for it to go into self-preservation mode. This is when you’ve experienced something life-threatening, such as childbirth, and feel powerless to do anything about it.

Sufferers are likely to feel traumatized by the birth process; panic near the birth site, feel detached from the baby and perhaps reality, and be anxious as well as easily irritated.

If you experience issues during your pregnancy you’ll seek medical attention immediately. You should do the same after the birth. Allow yourself a few days for your hormones to settle. Then, if you feel anything other than yourself, seek professional help. It’s important for you and your new family, they can help you if you admit you need help.

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  1. I wish I new this with my first pregnancy. I didn’t get helped early enough and that influenced the whole experience with my first child

  2. I had it and was a real tough time and suppose to be happy and amazing stage with my baby but i could i was so in a state that could bond or breastfeed .i really had a bad experience and greatfull for your post

  3. Thank you for sharing the difference between the two it is very important to know

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