Cool Birthday Gift Ideas For Your Kid

Cool Birthday Gift Ideas for Your Kid

Finding presents might be one of the toughest things a parent has to do, especially if your child comes up with a list of things they want. It’s tough to choose between adhering to their wishes or choosing a gift you feel would be most use to them.

While no one is stopping you from picking one or two gifts from the list as long as it’s within the budget, there are also some gifts you can give them that ties in with their interests.

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Here are some ideas:

For the budding artist

The great thing about art is that there are so many areas to explore: your child can start off with drawing then move on to watercolors. Or they might just have a love for sculpting even at a very young age. The important thing is that interest and passion is nurtured right from the very start.

There are a couple of great gift ideas for budding artists including a Doodle Tablecloth that can be unveiled during holidays to keep children busy. This way, you don’t have to worry about the future artist making art on a beloved tablecloth.

Another great gift idea is one of those DIY kits like a Make Your Own Snowglobe Kit. Or, you can let your child be extra creative with a Surplus Art Jar filled with all sorts of items intended to create something.

For the lover of games

If you have more than one child, it would be nice if there is something they can do together. While you can give them different items intended for team sports like a soccer ball or a basketball, those are made for outdoor purposes. What happens when it rains? It would be nice to have some indoor fun, right? This is where board games can be of immense help. But why not take it up a notch and give them an air hockey table? It’s a fun game that every member of the family will surely enjoy. It’s good for some healthy competition too.

birthday gift ideas


For the outdoor enthusiast

There are a lot of gadgets and games that would keep kids indoors but if you’re young one is a bit of an explorer, there are a couple of gift ideas that could enhance his curiosity of the world outside the walls of your home. If you have the space for it, you can get them a trampoline, a swing set or a basketball hoop. A playhouse is also a good idea or, you can get them a bike so they can explore the neighborhood.

Playing outdoors comes with so many great benefits and gifts like trampolines come with benefits for your child too.

Trampoline gift

For the admirer of nature

A love of the natural world is always a good thing, and it’s always nice for parents to encourage that passion. There are a couple of ways to do that. If there is one for your area, get them a guide to the local plant and animal life. This way, they can have fun identifying whatever they see. It also makes for a great bonding activity.

For the travel bug

It may take a bit of expense planning to go on frequent road trips, but the love of travel isn’t just about heading miles away from home. There might be some interesting spots located near your home. In that sense, you can get your child a local guide to the area you live in (if available) and you can take a trip together to a destination of their choice.

There’s no shortage of ideas when you consider the interests of your child when purchasing them a gift. Plus, it’s always more meaningful to get them something they will be interested in rather than a random item on the popular list.

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  1. My little man im sure is going to be one for the outside so small as what he is he loves being outside if i hold him on the grass he starts laughing and wanna sit and pull grass he keeps going to the door and if i take him out he sit for hours looking at birds flying wind blowinh the trees so trampoline and swing set will be our next buy he already have a black bike LOl so he can drive around our complex he will enjoy that. Thanks for sharing gift ideas…

  2. Thank you for the ideas. I am looking for ideas for my little girl turning 1 in October. She will definitely be an outdoor girl but also a budding artist one day. that was proved by coming home tonight and seeing paint all over her WHITE cot bumper , my pillow and duvet. ..haha only daddy can explain…
    Sigh…any ideas

    • Lynne Huysamen

      @kymmie31 yeah get used to those surprises. A really awesome birthday present for a 1 year old is a push type toy as she will be starting to walk by then, or maybe already walking but they still love walking and pushing something 🙂

      At that age my daughter’s favourite toy was her doll’s pram and every time we went for a walk she would insist on pushing “her baby” in the pram.

  3. Awesome ideas. My son loves being outside. We got him a trampoline. Its ons of his favourite things

  4. I would love to put up a play house or one of those teepee tents when JD is older. I had a play house with tiny furniture and miniature pots and pans. I remember spending hours inside that play house when I was a kid. It was one of the best things that my parents did for me. “Having tea”with my tea set was also one of my favourite activities. We also had one of those old fashioned swing sets when we were kids. I wonder if you still get them. It’s one of those swings where two kids sit opposite from one another. Does anyone else remember those and did you also have one? I wish we have kept ours. I had so much fun playing on it.

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