Tips to choose your child's pediatric specialist

Tips To Choose Your Child’s Pediatric Specialist

Your kid’s health and well-being is undeniably critical for you as a parent. For whatever reason, you may feel inclined to take your child to a pediatric specialist, just to make sure that everything is okay. This is normal for parents, especially when the child is s till a baby. So, managing to find a pediatric specialist you can trust is very important. All parents and guardians want the best for their children, and since young children tend to get sick regularly, then it is a must that the pediatrician chosen is trustworthy, helpful and as accommodating as possible.

Young children and especially newborns, have different medical needs from older kids. They require more specialized care as well as attention to their developmental needs. A good pediatrician will also try to be the patient’s friend. It is normal for kids to get frightened and tense when they walk into a medical clinic. So the pediatrician needs to do his/her best to handle children in a friendly manner so as to reassure them and make them feel more at ease.

Not all pediatricians offer emergency services. This is an important consideration when looking for a pediatrician as many parents tend to panic if the child has a high fever in the middle of the night, or in case of asthma attacks. Besides accidents can happen at any time of the day or night, or on a weekend. Hence it is best to choose a pediatrician who can offer emergency services, and ideally one that is located in the vicinity of one’s home.

Most pediatricians also offer sub-specialities. Common areas include speech therapy, child neurology, and child psychiatry. Some pediatric specialists work as partners to other specialists so as to offer a more complete service to their patients. Common problems with children are related with vision. Thus a pediatrician may work in conjunction with an optometrist so as to refer cases such as a lazy eye, or squinting to him/her.  Speech therapists and pediatric dentists often collaborate with pediatricians too. So if one is aware that there is a particular problem with his/her child, it may be best to pick a pediatric clinic that can offer a multi-faceted service.

By looking up information online one will be able to find numerous pediatricians close to home. Usually they will have their own website where details about the pediatrician’s qualifications, training and specializations will be provided. It is also easy to find reviews and comments that other parents may have decided to post online. These can serve as recommendations to help you choose a reputable geriatrician.

It is best to schedule an appointment so as to carry out a brief consultation with the pediatrician first. This will give you a general idea of his/her demeanor when handling kids, and it will also provide you with an insight on his/her practices. Pediatricians will differ in the types of medicines they prescribe, as well as in the child discipline practices they believe in. It is also important to ensure that the pediatrician is up-to-date as medical advancements in child medicine are modernized regularly in this day and age.

You also want to make sure that you feel comfortable with the pediatrician. If he/she tries to rush the visit so as to keep up with a busy schedule and a queue of patients, then he/she may not be the right choice. You want to feel at ease with him/her, have time to ask him questions and expect a clear and helpful answer.

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  1. Good to know

  2. Will be careful next time thanks

  3. Thank you for this post and its also good to make moms aware to choose wise. Example i hate when my gp is not available and have to see someone else they rush and get it done so quick its like they are just seeing you for the money one day i was sitting watching 5 patients go in by that on dr where i was still waiting for my dr busy with 1 patient.

  4. Such a challenge finding the right paediatrician. In my experience, the first time that you meet a paediatrician, which is almost immediately after birth when the paeds pop into the wards to do checkups, they are all very pleasant and warm; it takes a few more consultations to get to know them well enough to decide who is the best fit for your family’s needs. I agree strongly that paediatricians should not rush their patients – after all, we are the client, and they are providing a service. I appreciate someone who listens carefully and respects parental concerns and questions as well as taking a systematic approach to tackling a medical issue.

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