Birthday Picnic

Birthday Picnic for Kids Party Made Easy + Printable Checklist

Are you looking to throw a picnic event for your kid’s upcoming birthday party? We’ve got you covered! To make your preparation a breeze, we culled together a set of ideas you may adopt when planning your child’s picnic birthday. Plus, we’ll give you a free Picnic Birthday printable checklist towards the end of this article. Many busy mothers find this checklist handy and time-saving, especially when making last-minute preparations. You may incorporate your thoughts and add your ingenuity to it.

Birthday Picnic for Kids Party Made Easy + Printable Checklist

Things To Include When Planning

Date And Time

Purposely mark the date of the event on your calendar to keep track of it and avoid the possibility of forgetting party essentials.

Location For The Picnic Birthday Party

Outdoor birthday celebrations are all the rage as it provides more space and lots of options for fun activities. Ideal locations would be parks, gardens, beaches, or even your backyard. Ensure that restrooms are accessible in the area and choose a spot that’s not too close to the road for the kids’ safety.

Consider backup locations in the event of sudden bad weather conditions. If the intended area cannot provide the necessary shelter, have the event indoors by moving furniture and clearing up floor space.

Create A Guest List

It’s best to limit the guests to only your child’s close friends, as managing a more extensive crowd can be challenging, and organizing can be too tedious. Send invites in advance to your guests by mail, e-mail, or phone.

Choose A Birthday Cake

You can have the cake customized to suit the theme of the birthday picnic party. Choose a flavor that kids love the most. It’s advisable to pick one that doesn’t need refrigeration and can be easily packed. Cupcakes or mason jar cakes are ideal for this event since they are easy to hand out.

Prepare Food And Drinks

Consider food allergies and the sensitivities of your guests. Bring an adequate and good selection of healthy snacks with some treats. The type of food may also depend on the party’s theme. Find out which food can be prepared before and during the party. Please put them in a picnic basket and use coolers for the drinks. Here are our picnic food suggestions: fruit platters and fruit punch, sandwiches and popcorn, pies, sausage rolls, chicken drumsticks, and lots more, depending on your choices.


If the venue is not furnished with picnic tables, you may bring portable ones. Waterproof picnic blankets laid on the grass as mats before sitting or lying will keep the kids from moist surfaces in outdoor spaces. These outdoor blankets can also double as covering when you feel cold. For adults, be ready with comfortable but compact and lightweight chairs. We recommend choosing ones that can easily fold away but don’t compromise durability.

Portable Canopy

Don’t discount the possibility of a sudden downpour during the event. Prepare sufficient rain cover, picnic umbrellas, or tarps to keep everybody sheltered if the area does not provide these amenities.

Choose A Theme

The theme should be gender-neutral and appropriate to the age of your little guests to be inclusive. This way, everybody gets to interact and share in the fun. Popular themes for kids include carnival-style, fiesta-style, safari, circus, and more.

Party Ornaments

Ornaments can set a joyful mood for the party. The adornments may also depend on the party’s theme, if any. A simple birthday banner for your kid, party hats, and birthday balloons may spice up the event. Of course, you may personalize every detail based on your own or your kid’s preferences.

Birthday Party Favors

As a host, include giving out small gifts to your little guests as a way of thanking them for joining your kid’s party. These could be stuffed animals, a small bag of goodies, classical storybooks, or educational items.

Fun Picnic Games For Kids

If a picnic party is in a park or a natural environment, the kids can have more freedom of movement and appreciate their surroundings. Plan a set of exciting games to keep them engaged and build social skills.

Birthday Cake and Eats

Sponge Relay Race

Two or more teams can play this. Prepare two buckets of water, two giant sponges, and two jars. Instruct each player to dip the sponge in the bucket filled with water. After that, he should dash to the jar and squeeze the sponge to empty its water into it. The other players in each team will do the same. The first team to fill their jar wins!

Sack Race

This race is another thrilling activity for kids. For the sacks, you can use old pillowcases from your closet. Two or more teams can also play this game. First, mark the start and finish points. Each participant should get inside the sack holding both sides of it. They then hop to the finish line and back to the starting point—the first team to finish wins.

Pass The Gift

This game is a traditional one. You will need music and a gift wrapped in many layers. When the music begins, the players will pass the wrapped gift to another. Once the music stops, the kid holding the goodie has the chance to peel off one layer. The kid who gets to unwrap the final layer gets the present.

Egg And Spoon Race

This game is a combination of speed and balance. Each participant gets a spoon with a boiled egg on it. They must race to the finish line without dropping the egg from the spoon. The first to reach the finish line will be declared the winner.

Scavenger Hunt

Make a list of objects and group the kids into teams. Have them search for the hidden items in the picnic area. The first team who finds the most things within the allotted time gets a reward.

Activities For Adult Guests

We want the party to be a blast for the adults too! A simple wine gathering, sampling station, and table games would trigger worthwhile conversations. Besides that, organize games for them to make the party all-inclusive.


There you have it! Say goodbye to hours of planning with these outdoor birthday picnic ideas. Preparing for your kids’ birthday picnic party can be straightforward, after all. As promised, here is a free printable checklist you can always fall back on to save time. With that, I’m confident you’ll do great in organizing your kid’s picnic-themed birthday.

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Yumi OhkuraAbout the Author

This article is a guest post by Yumi Ohkura. Yumi is an outdoor enthusiast, a mother, and the KAMUI founder, a thriving family enterprise. Her passion for the outdoors and belief that outdoor experience can significantly strengthen family relationships inspired her to establish KAMUI, an all-outdoor equipment family biz. Learn more at

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  1. Terri-lee Falken

    My sons birthday is in about 3 months this is the type of party I’m going for so this tips and tricks will most definitely come in handy as I’m going to start planning soon

  2. Wow that’s awesome ideas I’m planning my son’s crown birthday party this year this gives me some ideas. Thank you for sharing

  3. Wow I am definitely having a picnic birthday for my child. It is very doable.

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