Behind The Scenes 08 October 2021 – A Quiet And Slow Week!

With my kids at my parents for this week the plan was to have a highly productive week and hit my to do list with gusto, but the reality is that my mind and my body decided to shut down instead. I guess that being a busy mom, always on the go, it is not surprising that I needed some downtime so I decided to listen and spent most of this week eating ice cream and watching Netflix in bed.

The live video this morning was so much fun, with so much fantastic engagement. It was great catching up with everyone and discussing such important topics including infertility, miscarriage, mom guilt, stretch marks and more! For those that asked questions about the Happy Event firming cream you can read the review I wrote a while back.

Live Giveaways

I just love competitions and giving away awesome prizes – in the video this morning the following prizes were given out, check my page for competitions in South Africa for the winners!

  • Softlips Repair bag with Softlips Repair Menthol and Softlips Repair Cherry
  • Ditch The Mom Guilt course by Cheryl Schwartz
  • Happy Event hamper
  • Virtual Fertility Show Africa tickets
  • R250 Checkers Virtual voucher

Do you want to see loads more giveaways during my weekly live videos and on my blog?

The number one way to do that right now is to follow me on Instagram and like and comment on my posts! Instagram is where brands are focused on finding bloggers to collaborate with them so building my Instagram channel is a big focus of mine right now.

And watch this space, I am going to be running a competition soon focusing on Instagram!

Connecting With My Parents

It was absolutely amazing seeing my parents again for the first time in 18 months. Yes I love technology and I am so grateful that we were able to have video calls to stay in touch but it is not the same thing as wrapping my arms around my parents and seeing my kids and parents connect. Looking back on how much my kids have grown up in the last 18 months, on how much my kids and parents have missed out on makes me sad.

I had a wonderful weekend with my parents and spent time walking on the farm, visiting the dam and seeing all the awesome changes that my parents have been busy with. I also got to rest and have meals cooked for me (oh yes please!) by my mom. On Monday I came home leaving my kids there for the week, it feels like forever since I had a mom-holiday.

Starting Lifegain Advanced Nutritional Supplement

I’m so grateful to be collaborating with Lifegain right now, since I am feeling quite run down and we all know how hard it is to keep up at the best of times. I’m excited to see how it helps me get back the energy that I’ve clearly been lacking this week. I will be writing a review in the coming weeks.

Update On My Laser Hair Removal

My legs are so ready for summer and I’ve now started on my bikini area with my Bareskin laser hair removal device and it is working really well so far. I was a bit hesitant to get started on this area when I first started using the device, choosing to first focus on my legs, underarms and chin area. You can check out my review of the laser hair removal machine and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Getting Back On Track

My kids get home on Sunday and school starts on Tuesday next week so I will be getting back on track again with pushing out content soon. Next week I will be publishing my Smoby Flextreme review along with a giveaway to win a Smoby Flextreme set. I’ve also got loads of posts I need to finish writing and a bunch of press releases to get out.

Have a great weekend and I will catch up with you all next week!

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