Miracle One Review

Inner G-One Supplement And Miracle One Beauty Serum Review

I love trying out beauty and health products so when I was contacted to do a Miracle One review I was very excited. I quickly agreed after having a look at the Miracle One website and waited eagerly for my Inner-G One supplements and Miracle One face, hair & body serum to arrive.

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Miracle One Review - Inner-G One supplement and beauty serum


Inner-G One Supplement

The Inner-G One supplement is a three in one miracle booster that boosts nutrition, controls appetite and boosts energy and focus. It is 100% natural, based on scientific and medical research as well as clinical trials of the most potent superfoods for your skin, hair and body.

The Micron Mesh HyperExtraction technique enables the collection of the essential ingredients from the superfoods and concentrating them to make them twenty times more potent than its natural state.

What Does It Do?

Inner-G One will provide your body with a boost of essential nutrients so that you don’t feel like snacking or binge eating and is scientifically formulated to assist with weight loss. Through nourishing your body from the inside this supplement will make your body not only healthier but also younger and more rejuvenated. You will feel more balanced and less prone to PMS symptoms and mood swings. Inner-G One can also promotes better sleep .

Along with feeling more balanced, Inner-G One boosts vitality, energy and focus with no lows or highs throughout the day. Endurance and athletic stamina is also improved as well as quicker post workout muscle recovery.


Miracle One Face, Body & Hair Serum

The Miracle One face, body and hair serum is your all in one beauty solution for sensitive skin and all skin types.

It is made from nature’s superfoods including green olive, pearl powder, bamboo leaf, tamarind seed, silk amino acid, and pomegranate seed.

The essential ingredients have been extracted and concentrated up to x20 their natural potency. These extracts are then  purified and concentrated a further x5 using their unique patented Micron Mesh HyperExtraction BioTechnology® making BioAmaris® up to a 100 times more powerful than nature.

This serum can be used as a serum for the face, hair and body as well as a facial cleanser. Applying it to the skin is easy, simply spray it onto your hands then spread it onto your skin or work it into your hair. Make sure not to rub it into your skin, rather spread it and leave it to soak in. For your hair spray it onto your hands then massage it into your scalp.

What Does It Do?

The Miracle One serum moisturizes, nourishes and lifts your skin, tightens pores, brightens and lightens skin tone, repairs and builds healthy new skin. It targets skin blemishes (acne, acne scarring, melasma, pockmarks,wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, dark spots), providing you with an even toned, healthy skin.

The serum strengthens, nourishes and protects hair, making it thicker, reducing split ends, improving growth and reducing hair loss.

Before and after
Before and After – 2 weeks

My Personal Experience With Miracle One

My first impression of the supplement and beauty serum was amazing, when I opened up the box and saw the beautiful packaging I fell in love. The gold and black is striking and while I had looked at the products on their website before agreeing to review the products I put my main focus on reading about the product rather than looking at the pictures.

The Inner-G One Supplement

And I’m so glad that I took some photos before I opened the boxes because typical Lynne-style I accidentally tore the Inner-G One box – note to everyone the box does in fact not open at the top, it slides open at the bottom. Big time face palm moment for me. I just shared that with you so that you don’t make the same mistake.

I was pleasantly surprised when I opened up the Inner-G One supplement sachet to find it a beautiful tangerine colour. The first time I used it I poured it into a glass of water and tried mixing it with a spoon. I don’t recommend this method since it didn’t combine well with stirring which resulted in Inner-G One floating on the top of the water that I could not mix in. The next time I mixed it using a shaker and it mixed perfectly so make sure to always use a shaker.

It has a very mild and pleasant taste of watermelon. After sharing some with Judy from Fun Mamma SA in one of my live videos she said she would prefer it chilled, so I started drinking it with chilled water and she was so right, it is much more refreshing and enjoyable when it is cold. Inner-G can also be mixed and enjoyed with your favourite juice.

I didn’t notice any changes in the first 2 days, however by day three I started noticing that I was no longer feeling bloated. I also realized that I was not craving or drinking as much coffee as I normally would. I average four to five cups a day and when I started drinking the supplements I was down to two cups a day and these two cups are part of my daily routine – my early morning cup and the cup when I sit down at my desk to start work.

I drink two sugars in my coffee so this is a big health improvement for me. The best part is that it is not something I planned on doing, it just happened naturally and it took a few days for me to realize.

I am definitely feeling more energized and focused. I’ve found this pandemic especially hard on my mental health when it comes to my motivation but the last few weeks since using this supplement I’ve felt a very distinct and welcome boost. I’ve been more productive and for the first time in a long time I feel like I’m getting things done.

My mood has been greatly improved too. I’ve found it easier to stay patient and I’ve had more fun.

With regards to beauty, I’ve felt a big difference and while I know that part of it is due to the beauty serum I am aware that a lot of it is also due to the supplement since I’ve only used the serum on my face, neck and chest and once on my hair. I feel that my hair is in much better condition than it normally is, even with dying it last week and this usually dries my hair out quite a bit.

My hair has felt soft and in a healthier condition. My skin has also felt softer and more moisturized, on my face but also all over my body. I’m noticing this very much with my arms since I don’t use lotion on my arms every day and I can see a huge difference when it comes to the condition of the skin on my arms.

What I did notice with my legs is that I started home laser hair removal a few weeks before starting with Inner-G One and every time my skin would go incredibly dry and I had to wait a while before putting lotion on my legs so as not to disrupt the hair removal process. After starting Inner-G One the skin on my legs stopped getting so dry after each treatment – big time win.

Everything we consume plays a big role in the health of our skin, hair and nails. This supplement clearly ticks the box of beauty from the inside out.

Inner G One Miracle One

Miracle One Face, Hair & Body Serum

I love the feel of this beauty serum on my face. The first time I used it I sprayed it onto my fingers and then spread it onto my face but I felt a lot of it went to waste this way so I now spray it directly onto my face and the spread it around a little but I mostly just leave it as is to soak in. I spray it onto my face when my face is still wet after my bath at night or after washing my face in the morning and leave it to soak in.

It has a lovely fragrance and very quickly gets absorbed into my skin. I love how fresh my skin feels after putting it on, once it has dried I can feel how my skin feels plumped up and rejuvenated.

I started seeing a significant difference in my appearance very quickly after starting to use the Miracle One beauty serum on my face every morning and every evening.

The dark marks on my face that have been present since pregnancy are lighter, my wrinkles are reduced and my skin is more even toned and glowing. The dark bags under my eyes have also disappeared.

The best part is that it is not only me that is noticing the difference, I have had so many compliments on how well I am looking which of course is always amazing.

It truly is a face lift in a bottle.

I highly recommend both these products, they are quick and easy to use with amazing results that you will begin to see almost immediately.

Click here to buy now with discounts exclusive to Kaboutjie.

WIN A 30ml Miracle One Face, Hair & Body Serum

Win A 30ml Miracle One Face, Hair & Body Serum

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29 September to 01 November 2021

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  1. Wow this is so wow Lynne your before and after pics says it all
    This is real a wonderful product for one to definitely give it a try and feel the results of being young again
    Will definitely look into this
    And thank you for the review

    • Thanks Sandra – and the best is I to visit some friends last night for coffee and my one friend told me that my makeup was very tastefully done and I wasn’t wearing any LOL. Oh it felt good. I love that this takes just about zero effort with hands down the best results ever, and since I’m now over 40 I need all the help I can get!

  2. Sounds amazing!!!

  3. Would looove to use this product.

  4. Wow amazing product..I reali need something for loosing weight aswel I have problematic skin so yes it’s double trouble.if I help with my skin it would be so amazing…would love to win this

    • From what I understand it is brilliant for losing weight Emily and while I did not lose weight on the scale I felt much skinnier and I was not bloated anymore. I used it for 2 weeks and the results were amazing.

  5. This products were made for me, I binge eat whenever I’m stressed. I’ve been craving for junk food and sugary things and I’ve just suffered acne outbreaks. My face is covered in dark spots, especially on my chin. I had a look at the products and I don’t want to lie, the price range is way out of my reach.

  6. You look amazing 👏. This product is definitely awesome 👌

  7. Definitely need this one… Wow

    • Oh wow, this is a wonderful product to have, would love to Win & try this!! Results looks amazing. Before & after photos show the amazing difference. #winwithkaboutjie Miracle one serum is Magic! I Definitely need this.

  8. The difference between the before and after pics is amazing..

    Would love to try this product out..

  9. I guess miracle one is the winner because the different betteen before and after is huge.#Winwithkaboutjie

  10. Nthabiseng sentle

    Am loving the results,look at the before and after pics,the is a huge difference

  11. oh goodie i need this 😍

  12. This product works wonders on you absolutely, you definitely have some fine ages there, looking all smoothed out❤it is honestly a miracle and more to have a.product that treats the skin beautifully like that. I’m so taken away with how it has been kind to your skin, as a mom to a young baba i would love love this product as i hardly get enough time to doze off. It would definitely do my skin a lot of favour, no doubt about it🌺

  13. I love your before and after! Thank you for the review!

  14. This sounds like a real miracle worker!🤩

  15. Shupikai matenhese

    I would really love to try this product

  16. I would love to win this awesome product and try it out. I enjoyed your review, perfect for my aging skin 😊

  17. Wow, this is awesome, your photos show a huge difference, I love your review, I would love to WIN THIS awesome prize and try it out, #selfcare #Self-love amazing results , it’s like magic.

  18. It’s kinda mind boggling to think that a single serum can actually work on 3 different areas and give you the results you desire but upon seeing your before and after photos and checking out this post, I’m convinced it actually works as the name goes. Your review was insightful to read

    • I was really surprised at the results myself Nokuthula, I was seriously impressed with my before and after photos!

  19. I desperately need this in my life at the moment. Looks amazing

  20. Wow. I love the healing benefits here. This is like a bit of magic.

  21. I would love to win this product, the results look amazing.

  22. I would love to try this product

  23. i love how you posted the before and after pics to show how well the prodcut works

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