Toddler playing childcare

What You Need To Do Before You Send Your Little One To Childcare

Whether you’re a first, second, or third-time parent, sending your little one to daycare can be hard. For your young one, daycare is the start of a long journey of learning. As a parent entrusting the well-being of your child to another adult can be nerve wrecking.

In this situation, being nervous or afraid is normal. Like many normal families, this experience can be very emotional. For both parent and child, especially in the first couple of days. The great news is, thousands of parents have lived through this and have many stories to tell about it.

Below we’ve put together a list of tips that all parents should keep in mind when preparing to take their youngster to daycare. We also present how finding childcare in Sydney and applying these tips can make for a smooth transition.

What You Need To Do Before You Send Your Little One To Childcare

Put A Label On Everything

When getting your little one ready for daycare labeling is very important. This is because daycare mix-ups can be frustrating. In particular, replacing items can be expensive for parents. On top of that, mix-ups can also be frustrating for daycare staff. Especially when they need to distinguish which items belong to whom.

Therefore, placing a label on all items that belong to your child can prevent the risk of mix-ups. Labeling is a proactive method that works well to prevent potential disasters. Your daycare giver will appreciate you for making this effort. Your bank account will love you for this, as you won’t have to replace items that are lost. If your baby could talk, I’m certain he or she would thank you so much more.

Pack In Excess

It’s a fact of life, kids are not predictable and they are all messy. They can make you fret even when you thought you were super prepared. Their spontaneous nature is both inspiring and terrifying. So it’s a good idea to pack 12 to 15 days worth of bottles, wipes, diapers, formulae, and anything else your little one uses daily. This will create less stress for your baby, yourself, and the caregiver. As everything will be readily available.

Also, ask the daycare staff if you can’t drop off any of these additional supplies a few days before bringing your child there. This is one of the best ways to ensure you don’t forget any important items. Because you know everything the baby needs is at the facility already.

Pack diaper bag

Do the paperwork in advance

Because you know “the day of separation” will be very emotional. You’ll need to create some free space in your head to consider other things instead of filling out paperwork last-minute. Evermore so, you will want to avoid any unwanted stress which can make your emotional state even worse.

Each daycare provider requires you to fill in some information, like emergency contact details, physical forms, shot records, a picture of anyone you may send to pick up your child.

Once again, speak to your daycare center about having everything dropped off in advance. This will minimize your stress levels greatly. And so is worth considering.

Gather information about your daycare provider

When it comes to daycare, there are many things you may not know. Therefore, having a conversation with daycare staff will give you a clearer idea of who they are. Which will give you a clue of how they will discipline and look after your little one. When you have this kind of information, you will rest assured that your child is in good hands.

Apart from this, communication lines that are transparent between teachers/parents and caretakers will ensure a trouble-free year overall. When there’s a better understanding between these three parties, the child’s needs will be taken care of much better. So it’s important to make your caretakers aware that you want to be part of the broader support system that builds your child up.

Good family routine

Develop a routine

By preparing your little one for a whole new world, you will create a success story for their time spent in daycare. If for instance, your child leaves the house sad and fearful in the morning, the day’s complete outcome will probably be negative. So by developing a goodbye routine you will make going to daycare fun for your child. Setting yourself and your little one up for success.


You need to get yourself and your little one ready emotionally. Being away from your child for an extended time, especially for the first time can take an emotional strain on you and your little one.

This is because you have been very close to your baby every single day. So you need to make the transition of someone else taking care of your child smooth.

The truth is, you need to be proactive. This has been the main theme throughout this article. Don’t just take a giant leap, instead take baby steps, and you and baby will be well-taken care of very well.

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  1. We learn everyday, im guilty of not doing all of above correctly the first time my lil gal went to childcare.

    • It’s a constant learning process being a parent. I wish there was a manual covering everything, but unfortunately there isn’t.

  2. Nthabiseng sentle

    Am sending my two year old next year,am scared especially since the whole covid pandemic, I fear for my child.and she still young am not ready to let go ,its always hard.i remember when my first born went to creche the first time,she will come back with everything I packed for be it food,and nappies,and immediately when we get home she will tell me she need the toilet.i even shouted at the teachers,like shes young you have to make her get used to you so that she can be free to ask for anything she may need

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