Fun kids activities to help improve their speech

5 Fun Kids Activities to Help Improve Their Speech (and learn different languages)

All children develop speech and language skills at different ages and different speeds – that’s completely normal, and as parents it’s our job to support them in any way we can.

There are lots of small things you can do to help kids pick up new words, whether in their first language or another.

Kids Activities to help improve their speech


Photo by James Taylor

The key thing is to make each step as fun and engaging as possible. Here are our top five ways to making learning about language more fun:

  1. Find a way to start the conversation

When it comes to developing conversational skills, kids need something interesting to talk about more than anything else. Even the quietest little ones will get chatting once you hit on a topic they that grabs their attention! It’s just about finding out what they love and talking about it with them. Do they like the beach? Try asking them to describe different types of shells! Are they into tractors? Go to your local farm and name each one by colour.

  1. Mystery boxes

This is a fun – if sometimes messy –  game for kids that’s great for helping to improve speech and language skills. Assemble a range of different household items and put each one in a box with a hole cut into the lid. Ask your kids to close their eyes and put their hand in a box. They will then have to use their language skills to describe the item in as much detail as possible – this is especially good for practicing the use of adjectives. To make it extra fun, let your children decorate the boxes with glitter and paint before you start. And don’t worry too much if it gets messy – you can easily find out how to remove paint stains from clothes here.

  1. Spend time with foreign language speakers

If you want to instill a love of different languages in kids, what you need is for them to spend time in the company of those who speak something other than English. Make this fun by finding a relative, baby-sitter or friend who enjoys playing with children, but will do so while talking in their mother tongue.

  1. Label household items

A good way to get your child used to language is to help them associate visual and audible cues. If they are struggling to name particular objects, label those items and ask your child to read the word on the label out loud every time they use it – this will help them develop their reading skills, too! It’s also a useful technique for helping them learn new languages: tag household items with their word in the new language and repeat it each time the item is used.

  1. Ask open questions

Sometimes the simplest things work the best. If a child isn’t much into talking, get them to be more chatty by asking open questions. These are questions that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. So rather, for example, than asking ‘Did you have fun at school?’ you could say ‘Tell me about something you did at school today.’

There are many things you can do to encourage your child to speak and enjoy language – both their own and new ones. Try out these different ideas and see which one works for your family.

What fun things have you tried to help your children with their speech development?

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  1. Marli is only 3months now but we’ve decided that im gonna talk Afrikaans to her and hubby English.
    English is such a important language and our long term plan is to immigrate to Australia and im sure that will help her alot than just talking Afrikaans.

    • My husband is Afrikaans and I am English, so I speak English to my kids and he speaks Afrikaans. Oh and strange as it may be my son is in the Afrikaans class at school and my daughter is in the English class.

  2. Thats awesome Lynne.
    In todays world they have to be good in both and a bonus if they can learn more languages.

  3. Languages are difficult my worse of understanding is Afrikaans I always mix past and present. Now trying to help my son or should I say he helps me. I have accepted isiZulu easier.
    My mom was British and my dad Afrikaans. 1 would presume I would have addapted to understanding Afrikaans easier but its not the case.

  4. True but my son is going yo day care with different children who speaks different languages and its funny when he also trys to speak like them and its good for him to know the different languages.

  5. Am a venda and hubby speaks English so is my son but he can also speak venda, spedi and Zulu lols he can even counts how many languages he can speak next year he will be learning afrikaans as he will be going in school

  6. This is very important and good to know in our house we have afrikaans which i speak and my hubby speaks english so our child will grow up speaking both afrikaan and english.

  7. My son have one English speaking friend (we are Afrikaans speaking). I feel its important for him to learn and understand communicating in other languages. I can really say that his english improved alot.

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