Making Easter goodies

6 Incredible Ideas For Easter Candy Packaging

Do you want to add a touch of love in the mouth-watering candies that you bought to gift to your dear ones this Easter? Doing a little more effort in the packaging of those candies can indicate your compassion and love that you have for your friends and family. So, how about spreading happiness and love with fascinating candy packaging this Easter? Keeping this into consideration, we have come up with six of the Easter candy packaging ideas that are just incredible.

6 Incredible Ideas for Easter Candy Packaging

  1. Make Best Use of the Small Mason Jars

Simply put the colorful candies in a mason jar. You must be having a spare or old one in your kitchen’s cabinet. Don’t you? So, just find one and put the lovely looking candies inside of it. The transparency of mason jar makes the candies visible which gives the gift an adorable look. However, give it a finishing touch by tying a knot with striped ribbon or pasting a holly on it. In case you don’t have a mason jar, even a baby food jar, candy jar or a jam jar can serve this purpose. In fact, such packaging materials will not even burn a hole in your pocket. All in all, it is a pocket-friendly yet appealing approach to make your special person happy this festive season.

  1. Hunt for Easter-Themed Gift Boxes

Since Easter is around the corner, you will definitely find Easter-themed gift boxes in the market. Just hunt for it and buy one that appears the cutest and most suitable for your candy packaging. Or else, you can also take the services of a packaging company to make the gift packaging more adorable and eye-catchy.

  1. Take Advantage of Mini Cardboard Pouches

Cardboard packaging has been an inexpensive yet classy option to win the hearts of your loved ones ever since its origin. Little pouches made with cardboard looks really pretty and can be winning when adorned in the right manner. You can easily find them in any craft store. On the flip side, you can even make them on your own by having cardboard, scissors and an adhesive. In order to make them more attention-grabbing, embellish them with colored tapes, ribbons or tags.

painted eggs

  1. Utilize the Empty Cookie Tin

You might be having an empty cookie tin in your drawer or in your cupboard. How about decorating it and using it as cool packaging material? This idea is definitely a big hit as it will put no load on your pocket for purchasing a specific container for packaging the gift. But you still need to be creative with the tin as it may have lost its glare over time. Get a glittery gift-wrapping paper and paste it all over the tin to hide its wornness.

Following the same approach, you can even utilize a can of Pringles that is probably of no use for you. Such cans are fascinating for candy packaging; however, in order to camouflage the identity of the can, take help from some enchanting wrapper, ribbons or festive bows. Did you like the idea? So, don’t put cookie tins or the Pringles can in trash bins the next time you have them. It is because they can be the perfect and cost-saving packaging material for your mini treats.

Another similar idea can be purchasing festive tins from your local store. They come in handy in case you don’t have time to decorate the old one you have at your home.

  1. Let the Mini Baskets Do the Magic

Don’t you think that mini baskets look pretty and appealing? Because why not? Keep the candy gift packaging simple yet elegant at the same time by making use of a mini basket.

The basket can be of wood, cardboard or even a hard chart or brown paper. You can either purchase it or make and design one on your own by showing some creativeness. If you get a pre-made basket, you may only need to place the candies nicely in it. Nonetheless, wrapping the candies in a cellophane paper prior to placing them in the basket will enhance their appearance and safety as well.

On the contrary, you have to make some additional effort if you are going to make the basket on your own. To serve this purpose, you will find many different colors of hard chart paper that could throw a colorful look at the gift basket. In case of making a brown paper basket on your own, all you need is adhesive and scissors.  Look for some online tutorials on how to make mini paper baskets at home. You can easily find a lot useful online tutorials related to it. After making one, decorate it with gift tags, stickers and tie pretty ribbons.

  1. Basic Aluminum Boxes Can Also Do the Trick

Do have a limited budget and it appears costly to you to buy a particular packaging container or similar material? Basic aluminum boxes in which we usually deliver food can do the trick for you. In fact, they can save you from the backend hassle when you don’t have the time or sufficient budget to make the packaging appealingly. Aluminum boxes can safely contain and deliver the candies to the receiver. Just don’t forget to attach festive bows on them. Believe it or not, they can turn the tedious looking box into an attractive one. In addition, you can also adjoin a gift tag or a gift card to finish it off.

You can even attach two cupcake liners together with glue to use it as an endearing technique of packaging. By doing so, you will get a small, cute pouch in which you can put the candies. Don’t forget to wrap the candies in the cellophane sheet prior to putting them in the pouch for ensuring their protective delivery. In the end, use a yarn bow to tie it off.

Hopefully, you like all the ideas and are going to follow them to make this Easter a more cherished one.

About the Author:

Mark Berry is a seasoned designer & creative director with ten years of experience in Chicago, IL. Food Packaging Agency. In his free time, he writes blogs about amazing packaging tips and tricks.


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