Pretty Toddler Girl Smiling

5 Educational Toys for 2 Year Olds That Your Child Will Love Dearly

It can be a challenge to find educational toys for 2 year olds, as they are leaving their baby days behind them and are starting to blossom into their own little personalities.

It can get very tricky to keep them occupied for at least an hour or two whilst trying to get a few household chores done.

All children go through different development stages at different ages.

Understanding your two year old a little better might make the process of buying them the perfect educational toy a little easier.

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5 Educational Toys For 2 Year Olds That Your Child Will Love Dearly

10 Easy ways to improve your child’s cognitive development

  1. Sing-a-longs – To help promote memory and word identification, play your child’s favourite songs in the house or car and sing along.
  2. Identify noises – i.e. bird noises, a car horn or running water. This will help him understand how sounds relate to objects.
  3. Practice the alphabet – reading books about the alphabet, playing with alphabet puzzles or singing the alphabet song.
  4. Practice counting – use opportunities during the day to practice counting i.e. counting out a few pieces of candy when giving it to him.
  5. Practice shapes and colours – Include colours when interacting with your child i.e. telling him it is a yellow fish or a red toy car.
  6. Offer choices – i.e. asking him if he would like to wear his sandals or his sneakers to school. This will help him to feel more independent while learning to make confident decisions that affect his day.
  7. Ask Questions – asking questions helps them to learn how to solve a problem and to better understand how objects and his environment works.
  8. Visit interesting places – Ask questions while you’re exploring the kids library or farmer’s market and listen to his responses and reactions.
  9. Play with everyday items – Encourage your child to match different sized lids to their accompanying containers.
  10. Offer a variety of games – to encourage problem solving and creativity.

Other Suggested activities for a two year old include 

  1. Read aloud to them and showing them pictures.
  2. Give them individual attention whenever it’s possible.
  3. Show a real interest in them by talking to them and asking questions about what they are doing.
  4. Provide toys like simple jigsaws, animals, toy cars, dolls, toys for stacking or pulling apart etc.
  5. Encourage them to explore the world but keep a watchful eye on safety issues.
  6. Provide opportunities for fun and playground activities such as slides, sand pits or slippery dips. 

Have a look at these educational toys for 2 year olds

Vtech Touch and Teach Word Book

The colourful design and playful features will be a great hit with any two year old:

  • This fun and educational book toy reacts to your child’s touch.
  • It plays music, words and sounds.
  • Your child can be guided through interactive play by the Tech Smart cubs, Cody and Cora, expanding your child’s vocabulary while introducing new words and ABC’s.
  • This incredible toy assists with fine motor skills and teaches children over hundred words in six categories.
  • This toy is designed for kids from 18 months up to four years of age.
  • This item has a rating of 4.5 stars on the website.

Just Smarty Electronic Interactive Alphabet wall chart

This item is great for the nursery or game room at a Day-care, Kindergarten, Preschool and at home.

This is one of the best Educational toys available:

  • Kids can dance and sing along to nine kids’ songs (Bingo, The Finger Family song, the ABC song, Head shoulders knees and toes, Five little monkeys, Three little kittens, Wheels on the bus, Twinkle Twinkle little star & If you’re happy and you know it).
  • The item is easy to use, and it doesn’t take up space. Simply hang it on the wall.
  • The colourful and playful design will provide hours of exploration and learning for your little one.
  • Toddlers can take quizzes, learn the numbers and the alphabet plus word association.
  • This item has a rating of 4 stars on the website.

Large Magic water drawing / doodle mats

This item is fantastic because it is safe, clean and reusable. Gone are the days of cleaning ink stains from the walls or floors.

The item includes: 1 x Water drawing large mat with a 32×24 inches painting pad, 4 pens (different colours) and 8 moulds.

  • No mess- all you need is clear water to fill up the pens (no ink or paint).
  • It is non-toxic and safe for children’s skin.
  • The back of the doodle pad is made from nylon which is water-resistant, therefore never wetting the floor.
  • This mat is great for family interaction or teamwork spirit. A group of 2-6 children can play on it at the same time.
  • The doodle mat is portable for indoor and outdoor travel and can be folded up in a compact size.
  • The item is suitable for children aged 2,3,4 and 5+ and has a rating of 3.5 stars on the website.

Leapfrog learning kid’s tablet 

This item is great for learning animals, objects, letters, numbers, colours and more.

  • The tablet features a home button and 20 application icons.
  • Every action on the screen activates unique patterns of colours, sounds and lights.
  • For role-playing, press the five dock icons where you can talk on the phone with Violet, listen to Scout, explore time concepts, play with the pretend camera and listen to music.
  • In Explore mode you can play with the applications like a real tablet by hearing exciting phrases about weather, sports and health.
  • Learn mode teaches children about numbers, shapes, colours and more.
  • Music mode plays melodies and songs plus give your child the option to create their own masterpieces.

Leapfrog, my own leaptop

This toy is great for spelling your name, learning about the alphabet and pretend play.

  • You can customize the Leaptop to help your child spell his or her own name.
  • The large screen is ideal for computer pretend play with 26 fun animal animations.
  • The Leapfrog leaptop have four learning modes including:
    • ABC’s
    • Messages
    • Games
    • Music
  • Pretend to be like Mom and Dad with computer role-play such as e-mailing with Scout.
  • Learning letters and animal names, singing along with 16 songs and melodies, sending and receiving pretend e-mails.
  • This leaptop assists with alphabet and early vocabulary.
  • Your child can play on a laptop specially made for them.
  • This product is suitable for children aged 2+ and has a rating of four stars on the website.

These 5 items are top of the list when it comes to great educational toys for 2-year olds. Be sure to head on over to the website to check out the huge selection of educational and other toys for children of all age groups.

They also offer free shipping for all orders over $25.

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  1. Love this article and tips thank you for sharing

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