Cool Math Apps for Kids

3 Cool Math Apps for Kids that make Learning Fun and Exciting

I have always been interested in the educational toys and games, rather than toys and games that are mindless but fun. I am the type of mom that likes to give my daughter puzzles and books rather than Barbie Dolls.

Now that my daughter recently turned 5 years old and just went back to play school to start Grade R, I am paying even more attention to anything educational that will help my daughter with her schooling in the coming years.

One thing she has just started getting interested in is math. She just loves figuring out basic sums and the thing is that she hates being wrong and given her age, her attention span is not that great yet. But one thing she just loves is getting hold of my phone or ipad and being able to play a game.

This can hold her attention longer than the battery can hold out! Does this sound familiar perhaps?

I’ve come to realize how different life is for young kids compared to when I was growing up. Something that I have taken quite an interest in now since having children is apps. There is like an app for absolutely everything! What an incredible way to teach your child important things like math in such a fun and captivating way?

Math apps will have your kids full attention learning addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Here are 3 cool math apps for kids that make learning fun and exciting:

Math Racer (iOS/Android)

Math Racer allows children (and parents if they wish to give it a try) to race a car as quickly and as far as they can.  The faster they solve the addition problems, the quicker they will be able to unlock new race cars by collecting coins for correct answers . Of course, no racing game is complete without obstacles and this game will keep every child’s eyes glued to the screen as they try to come in first every time!

Math Space (iOS/Android)

Math Space is quite similar to Math Racer, but in this game children will be zooming around space as they quickly solve addition equations.  They get to choose their own spaceship to fly in outer space and once they solved enough equations, they can unlock new spaceships.

Math Manimals (iOS/Android)

Math Manimals is a unique app that will take children from basic addition skills to more challenging division skills.  Each manimal that they can use in the game is different and while they begin with Elliot, they can quickly earn points to unlock new manimals.  Children will find themselves helping their manimals dodge flying objects while avoiding other obstacles on their way to the end of the game.

Each of these apps by is available on iOS and Android for just $0.99.

The beauty of getting math apps like these is that your children will not only learn much faster, but they will not even realize that they are busy learning. They will be so engrossed with playing the game and trying to reach new levels that it most likely won’t register to them that that they are busy learning.

Now I have mentioned before on a number of occasions on my blog that I am not keen on giving my kids screen time on my phone or on my iPad, however when it comes to something like math apps or other educational apps I am prepared to bend the rules a bit. This means my child will cherish this screen time even more!

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  1. So cool!
    Tx Lynne.

    Im so scared that i wont be able to stimulate my girl enough and that she will fall behind cause im keeping her at home until she’s a year but im keeping all your activities and apps close by so that i can teach in the best possible way!

    • Marisca your child will be fine. My daughter was home with an au pair until nearly 2 years old and she is keeping up just fine. In fact she is often ahead. I wouldn’t worry at all.

      Besides you can probably give her more one on one attention than she would get at a creche right now.

  2. Thanks Lynne. Feel better about it.

  3. ill be so prepared by the time i must help my boy thx to all your blogs/posts about everything.

    • You still have enough time lisa my son will be starting next year but thanks to kaboutjie and all the parenting post I will be ok

  4. Excellent that you encourage your daughter now as it will be easier for her.
    My son has no problem with Maths and the latest technology and apps do help a lot but I find it more difficult to say NO to the phone app as he says it helps him

  5. My son is starting grade 1 next year I hope I did almost everything right

  6. I think making learning fun and excited will be much more helpful for them to actually learn and remember what they learned as it was fun and exciting and being patient will be also good because all they need is mom to shout because they cant get it right.

  7. I know this post is year old but this is so great. My son is now 3 and his cousin came to visit (age 5) and the cousin was playing a game on his dad’s phone so obviously my son also asked if he can play a game on my phone. Not wanting to be the momster in this, I said yes, but we first need to download a game. I downloaded some LEGO game and he absolutely love it.

    I have notice that his concentration span is longer when he sits with the phone so I will definitely go and download one of the above mentioned app to add some educational value to it.


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