Father's Day 2015

5 Things I Want My Father to know this Father’s Day

My father gets first prize when it comes to being a Dad. He is hands-down the most incredible man I have ever met and he is my Dad!

Here are some things I want my Dad to know:

1 Thank you for showing me the type of man I want as a husband and a father to my children

Yes I have made a good few mistakes in my journey to find the one. I have now found him and I am pleased to say that he measures up. The things I love about you the most are the things I looked for in a husband. It is through you that I could choose Mr Right.

2 Always Loving me and supporting me

I know the journey has not been easy with me and I am sorry for that. Me being an alcoholic and addict can’t have been easy for you. Thank you for believing in me, that I can recover. Thank for paying for my treatment and joining in therapy groups. I know it is not easy for any man to sit in a therapy session!

3 You have the best sense of humour

In my darkest hours you have managed to look at the light side and make me laugh at life. I remember 2 days after the birth of my 1st baby via elective c-section laughing and not being able to stop. I thought I would have to go back to the hospital to get stitched again!

4 You have the gentlest and kindest spirit

I find it amusing that when friends of mine first meet you they are often intimidated and scared of you. I still can’t figure out why that is.

5 You are the voice of reason and calm and always have been

Growing up in a home with 4 women and 1 man you were always the voice of reason when we all got worked up into a frothy. You somehow always managed to calm us down, often using your wicked sense of humour.

I am so sorry that this will be your first Father’s Day without your dad. It will be a very sad day this year for us all.

Know that your daughters love you very much.

My Father and my Daughter

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  1. Absolutely stunning wow is a bit hug and thumbs up to your dad xxx

  2. hi Lynne
    what a great tribute to your dad! He seems like a great role model and wonderful person. It’s funny because you could be describing my dad here. The pillar of strength and reason. and care. that’s who he is. Always there to support no matter what and giving me free advice I already know… 🙂

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