Week 1 my weight loss journey

Week 1 My Weight Loss Journey

When I shared my article last week about not wanting to be fat anymore I honestly didn’t expect such a response from everyone. I received so much feedback on social media, on my blog and via email from other moms that feel the same way.

A lot of moms said that they feel motivated and inspired by my article and the truth is that the response I got motivated me and inspired me even more. So thank you to all the moms that took the time to give feedback. I am so happy that a number of moms are following and joining me.

So the first week of my weight loss journey has flown by and the only thing I planned on doing this first week was to get my head around what I need to do over the next few months and mentally prepare myself.

I can happily share that I have achieved that and more.

It must be because I know that I am about to embark on this challenge that the whole week I practiced mindful eating. It wasn’t that I told myself I have to be conscious of everything I eat, more that it just happened. This in itself meant that with regards to the foods I ate I had a really good week.

Yes I ate steak and hot chips with my husband on Saturday night like we always do plus on Saturday morning I had some carrot cake when I took my daughter out to a birthday party but that was the limit of my naughtiness for a whole week. While I want to lose weight and start living a more healthy lifestyle I still want to live my life and enjoy my food.

I don’t think that starving myself of all pleasures will be a healthy way to go.

week 1 my weight loss journey pin

I measured my tummy and weighed myself this week. I am 77.8kg and my waist is 106cm. So that is my starting point and each week I will update on my progress.

I have decided to set myself 3 clear goals each new week. It may sound like not much to do but each goal is something that I will then add to or build on the following week… so by the time I am a few weeks in it will be plenty to keep me busy!

Starting slowly and building healthy habits I can maintain long after this weight loss journey is something I feel is very important. I simply don’t want to be back here in a years time being unhappy with my weight.

I also want to keep everything simple so moms that want to join me can do so!

My 3 Goals for this Week

  1. Exercise 3 days for 30 minutes
  2. Drink 1 litre of water per day
  3. Eat salad with every evening meal

For those moms that are not sure what exercise to do, I love this workout so this is what I am going to be starting with this week.

I will catch up with you all next week Wednesday to update you, if you are joining me please leave a comment below to connect with me. Share your goals and your struggles as we go along, it will make it so much easier if we all work together. There is nothing like being able to motivate and inspire each other.

Have a great week!

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  1. @lynne – THIS IS FABULOUS!!!!! I also hit my limit last weekend, where i just cannot live like this anymore!! I too have decided to take control and try and do something about this (yet again).
    If i may ask, are you following a specific program to monitor your food intake? I would love to join you on this journey!!! #wecandothis lol

  2. @lynne – Is it my connection or is the video “looping”? I get halfway through and then it goes quiet and the video carries on but the sound starts from the beginning? I cant watch it all *sob*

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