Victim of a Sexual Assault? Don’t Give in to Fear and Follow These 5 Steps Instead

There are several types of personal injury cases. If you’re in a public space, business area, school or workspace and sustain an injury, you may be entitled to compensation. Unfortunately, sexual assault is another type of personal injury that many people experience daily. In these instances, it’s essential to have personal injury lawyers working on the case to ensure that the victims receive fair treatment.

If you’ve been a victim of sexual assault, you may feel afraid and experience anxiety when going to public events or to work or school. When you receive justice for your case and work with a qualified legal team, you’ll get at least some of the closure you need. Here are five steps to follow after sexual assault.

Victim Of A Sexual Assault

Ensure Your Safety

The limbic system, which is the part of the brain that processes emotions, is in overdrive after sexual assault. It’s important that you do whatever is necessary to ensure your safety. If you feel more at ease calling a family member or friend when you leave a building to go to the parking lot or want a relative to spend a few nights with you until you feel safer, take the steps you need to for your own security. You may also want to add or update the alarm systems for your car and home for extra protection.

Ask for Support

Even after you feel safer in your home or place of work, you may still experience anxiety or depression after sexual assault. It’s important to talk to someone you trust about these feelings. Getting counseling or joining a support group can help you express your feelings in a safe and compassionate environment.

Don’t Negate Your Physical Health

As soon as possible, you should visit the hospital or a medical rape center so that you can receive treatment for your injuries. A medical professional can also examine you and offer the correct treatments to restore your sexual health. The hospital can also provide a rape kit, which is a forensic exam that collects blood samples, DNA and additional evidence that can be used in your sexual assault case. Some facilities will freeze the evidence to access it later if you’re not ready to file a case right away.

Know Your Reporting Options

There are several ways to report your sexual assault case. You can report the incident to law enforcement. Depending on the nature of your case, you may report the case once and leave it to the police to continue the investigation. Or, law enforcement may encourage you to continue communicating with them until the case is solved. It’s also important to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer who specializes in sexual assault to adequately represent you in court.

Be Intentional About Self Care

In the weeks and months that follow your sexual assault, it’s important that you pay special attention to your emotions and intentionally engage in self-care. This may mean spending more time relaxing and meditating or purposefully spending time in environments that are beneficial to your well-being. It’s also necessary to practice self-care while your case is active since you’ll likely have to recount the story of your assault when speaking with the police and your lawyer.

Sexual assault can take a physical and emotional toll on any individual that is the victim of these heinous acts. If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault, seeking an attorney with skills and resources to accomplish justice is quite important. Schedule a consultation with attorneys who have experience with cases like this such as Attorney Kenneth A Wilhelm. No matter what type of legal service you seek, your information will be kept confidential. Attorneys are trained to work in various situations. Their role is to have your back through the difficult times. While money might never ease your physical or emotional turmoil, the process of justice being done might just help you on your path to healing.

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