Top Three Contraception Options: What You Need To Know

Contraception is an issue which many women will need to consider throughout their lives, with many moving between options until they find one which best suits them. From the coil to the pill, the patch to the rhythm method, it can be tricky to find a contraceptive type which is right for you and your partner. We have compiled a guide of the top three choices to help you to decide.


The coil, also known as an IUD or intrauterine device, is a long term contraceptive option which consists of a device being placed in the uterus. Once fitted, it releases copper, and this prevents sperm from surviving in the cervix. The sperm is therefore unable to travel up into the fallopian tube to reach and fertilize the egg.


  • Over 99% effective
  • Hormone free
  • Lasts between 5-10 years, so it offers a long term solution
  • Can be used while breastfeeding
  • Not affected by other medicines
  • Fertility returns to normal after removal


  • Doesn’t protect against STDs
  • Can make periods heavier and more painful
  • Can be uncomfortable during fitting and wear
  • Carries small chance of infection

The Pill

The contraceptive pill works by containing a small amount of manmade estrogen and progestin hormones. It prevents pregnancy by inhibiting the body’s natural hormones, usually by preventing the body from ovulating. Also, it works to thicken the mucus found at the entrance of the womb, making it impossible for sperm to enter, as well as changing the lining of the uterus, meaning that any egg which is fertilized is unable to implant and develop.


  • A very quick, convenient method
  • Can offer protection against pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Can result in lighter, more regulated periods
  • Can decrease menstrual cramps
  • May help to clear skin by regulating hormones
  • Allows you to time your period


  • Can be affected by illness or antibiotics
  • Can lead to an increased risk of blood clots or strokes
  • May have side effects such as breast tenderness, headaches, weight gain and nausea
  • Have to remember to take it at the same time each day
  • Does not protect against STDs

Contraceptive Patch

The contraceptive patch is a transdermal patch, created by a transdermal patch manufacturer RD Medical Products, which is applied directly to the skin. It then releases synthetic estrogen and progestin hormones directly into the bloodstream, and these help to prevent pregnancy in a way which is similar to the contraceptive pill.


  • More than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy
  • Each patch can be worn for a week at a time; no need to remember every day
  • Still works if you vomit or experience diarrhea
  • Can be worn in all situations such as swimming or bathing
  • Can help with heavy or painful periods
  • May help protect against ovarian, womb, and bowel cancer


  • Some women dislike the visibility
  • Can raise blood pressure
  • There may be side effects such as headaches and blood clots
  • Does not protect against STDs

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