Kids Bed

How to Pick the Perfect Kids Mattress

It can be a bit difficult to choose the right mattress for your kid because it’s very important to maintain a healthy sleeping posture. The right type of mattress you choose ensures your kid would have a healthy spine, no neck and waist aches. Basically more than anyone else, children need a real good night’s sleep. Night is the time when the child’s brain is growing; the all parts of the body are relaxed and there is secretion of hormone. You also need to consider facts like bedwetting habits and allergies.

How To Pick The Perfect Kids Mattress

The styles

Layla Mattress designs pocket-sprung, open sprung, latex foam and memory foam varieties. Kids require the right kind of support while sleeping so that the bones and the spine are in perfect alignment. Supportive mattresses are great for reducing rolling; there is least discomfort and no fidgeting. Infants and babies usually require firmer mattress because of the high speed of body development.

Pocket sprung ones have a comfortable layers of covering but the foam ones are very dense as well as the body forming reduces restlessness. If you wish to buy a breathable mattress, buy latex foam which is best for kids who do not like high temperature.  While buying sprung style, do check the height of the spring and coil. If the gauge is less in number, the coil tends to be thicker and the mattress is firm enough. On the other hand, more spring count means better support.

A few things that you must consider

At Layla Mattress you can get any type you wish but there are consultants so that you get the best one, the one that you require. There are benefits and pitfalls of certain mattresses. Sometimes the memory foam ones release gases which are also termed as off-gassing. If this happens, just let the air out for continuously 3-4 days in a well-ventilated room. If your kid suffers from allergies, it is best to use synthetic ones that have less fibers, thus attracts less mites and bacteria. The effect is all the same with pure wool, cotton, latex and silk mattresses. It’s always best to use materials that are naturally hypoallergenic. Now does your child have bedwetting habits? You can have washable pads and mattress protectors from Layla Mattress store.

The bed frame and the mattress

While purchasing for toddlers and babies, the bed frames will have to be a bit bigger than the mattress because children at this age grow at a rapid pace. This is the best thing to do if you are worried about the cost. Get a single bed and you must also know that mattresses usually last for about 10 years or so.

Most kids are transferred from a crib mattress to a bed between 2-3 years. This time it is best to opt for twin-sized mattresses for kids, a full bed size or a twin XL.  A twin mattress is just a size above the crib mattress so it can save a lot of space and for a slightly longer one, buy Twin XL.

Teddies on kids bed


Pricing is one big factor most parents worry about because there are so many other expenses. The latex and pocket sprung ones are the most expensive, the price depends on the number of springs for the former and the quality of latex for the latter. The fairly affordable one is memory foam; it is synthetic and extremely comfortable. If you are still looking for the cheapest options, the futon and open coil are the best ones.

Looking for best comfort?

While buying mattress for you child, comfort comes first. Layla mattresses are available in super firm, firm, ultra-plush and plush. Ultra-plush ones are known as box-top or pillow-top mattress. Side and back sleepers match firm mattress whereas a semi-firm mattress us best for stomach sleepers.


Never compromise the quality and the type for price. Never buy synthetic mattress for kids with allergies as it can cause respiratory troubles, skin irritation and other health related issues. Kids are very notorious and they love to jump on the beds so be wise to choose a sturdy mattress. If you wish to buy the best mattress, opt for organic ones, even bamboo ones are very good. Read the composition on the manufacturer’s label before purchasing. If you have quality in mind ignoring the cost, buy the latex one from Layla Mattress and it would last for about 30 years.

Buying a mattress for you child is not a quick decision; refer to while selecting, consider the pros and cons before you make the final purchase.

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  1. This is really an interesting article. When my son was still a baby, he was diagnosed with eczema and it was recommended to us to get a bamboo mattress. The result was amazing.

    I believe strongly in buying quality and like you said, cost should not then be a factor. If you buy quality, it will last longer and in the end, one is saving.

    I’m thinking of moving by baby to a big bed when she turns 1. I’ve notice that she sleeps much better when she have enough space to move around.

    If I buy a bed, I think I will opt for a double bed because most of the nights I’m sleeping with her and I also need a good night’s rest!

    • That is so true @elena, if you buy a great quality bed you only have to do it once and it will last for many years to come. My babies were moved from their cot to a toddler bed around 18 months old and then to a toddler bed. At about 3 years old my daughter moved to a big bed and now that my son is 4 years old we are looking at a big bed for him now.

  2. My 4 year old suffers from allergies – especially during winter months – we live on a farm and we have a lot of dust in winter. I discovered Purotex- it’s a mattress teatment. It’s basically probiotics that “eat” the dust mites – works like magic. It’s only available from The Bed Shop though.

  3. I never really considered all these things when I bought mattresses for my kids. Its amazing how many things you have to look out for. I’ve always just looked at how comfortable it was and if the kids liked the feel of it. I recently purchased new mattresses for the kids and it cost an arm and a leg thinking it will last them for the next 10 years. I never even looked at the label. This article has brought much attention to my lack of knowledge. Thanks, great article…

  4. This was really insightful! Never even thought about most of these. Thank you for the article.

  5. Thank you for this informative article, to be honest I never ever looked to much into the smaller detail when came to selecting a mattress for my little one, certainly time to change.

  6. The article is very interesting for me. We are currently looking at getting new beds and mattresses for our two boys. We need to transition my baby out of his cot. My little one currently sleeps on a bamboo mattress due to its excellent qualities. Shopping for a new mattress has been quite daunting as well – the prices differ substantially as well.

    I will definitely be visiting to have a look at other peoples opinions on a perfect mattress before I purchase one.

  7. We recently made a mattress blunder. We moved our toddler onto a three quarter bed and made a huge fuss over Santa bringing him a big boy bed. We bought a beautiful bed that matches perfectly with his other furniture. The room looks fantastic. However the mattress is a whole different matter.

    I insisted on a more expensive mattress thinking it would last longer, its better quality and all those little things we tell ourselves. Ladies this mattress is horrible. Its so hard. Its like sleeping on the floor!!! The mattress in the showroom had obviously been in use forever. As it was soft and comfortable. The thing in my son’s room may resemble a mattress but it is in essence a slab of concrete.

  8. Thanks for this great article Lynne.

    I have been pondering and thinking about his for a while now because JD is getting bigger and will soon be two years old. I wasn’t sure when would be the right time to get rid of his cot and replace it with a bed.

    I also didn’t know what size of bed or type of mattress I should be considering.

    A good night’s rest is vital and JD is like his Mommy, he likes to sleep.

    Now that he is sleeping through most nights, I don’t want to buy a mattress that is uncomfortable or that would have a negative impact on his posture and would have to be replaced in the near future.

    I am not very knowledgeable with the difference in mattresses. At least now I have this post that I can use as reference.

    He moves around quite a lot in his sleep. I don’t want to move him too quickly because I’m scared that he might fall off during the night.

    At what age did you move your kids to beds @lynne?

    And did you buy beds with rails in the beginning? I didn’t know that you still get them. And can the rails be removed when their is no need for them anymore?

    I apologize for all the questions but I am genuinely in the dark when it comes to this.

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