ReboundSA Launch NooBounce “Rebounding for Kids”

As the original team that brought the global fun exercise phenomenon, “Rebounding” to South Africa, ReboundSA continue to lead the way in health and development for children with the launch of NooBounce – “Adventure Bouncing” for kids. With NooBounce the kids sing and play whilst they bounce, gaining enormous physical, mental and emotional benefits and at the same time having a whole lot of fun!
Created by South Africa’s leading authorities on Rebounding, Keith and Justine McFarlane have created the NooBounce videos, filled with catchy sing-along pop tunes and moves that are loved by children and adults alike. The fun moves, choreography and themes in NooBounce are designed to address many of the development needs of children. These include lack of coordination, motor skills, balance, low muscle tone, focus, and lack of confidence and self-esteem – and participants have so much fun they don’t even realize they’re gaining these benefits. The NooBounce videos are presented by Igg & Oogi Noo, two adorable puppet-like characters called Noopets who together with their Noopet and human friends, make singing and dancing a complete interactive experience’.

ReboundSA co-founder Justine McFarlane expanded on the concept of NooBounce: “Children don’t usually enjoy exercise – they prefer to play, and bouncing is one of their most favourite things to do. When we started developing rebound classes for children many years ago, we found that by adding fun characters, themes and songs, they found rebounding even more irresistible! They didn’t even notice that we’d added moves and techniques to address many of their growing needs because they were just having so much fun!”.
Justine and Keith`s work with children over many years have seen them collaborate with experienced occupational and remedial therapists, creating themed rebounding journeys and adventures, special instruction techniques, designed themes as well as hosting many classes for young participants. Encouraged by their clients, colleagues and many ReboundSA instructors they have recorded and filmed the NooBounce program which includes songs, characters and writing that span over 30 years.
“We are delighted with the final product! Even though it took many years of creation, testing and development, we’re happy that we opted to not rush the production of videos and instructor training. Programs for parents to buy for children is emotive, and requires trust that everything’s been tried, tested and professionally approved, to not increase any known risks.” says Justine. “We are proud that NooBounce carries the coveted “Smart Choice” seal of approval from CANSA and is checked and approved by Paediatric Chiropractor Dr Mike Marinus for correct and supervised use by a minor with the appropriate recommended rebound equipment.
The very first NooBounce video, “Igg and Oogi – In the Garden” is available now, either on a memory stick or to stream online. ReboundSA has also developed a NooBounce Instructors course – and live in-studio classes will soon be available nationwide.
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  1. Every kids favourite

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