My $2 White Eye Pencil From Wish

Iโ€™ve been watching Youtube videos on how to do your eyes and how to make them look bigger. Most of them recommend using a white eye pencil.

When I was browsing around Wish I came across a white eye pencil going for free, all you have to pay is shipping so I quickly ordered it.

I canโ€™t wait to start playing around with it.

Download the Wish App and use the PROMO CODE jfgtgnv to get up to 50% off your first order!

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  1. Cant wait for this post – I battle with my eyes lol – every time I smile they disappear – So would benefit greatly from this i would say ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Is that why you are wearing sunglasses in your profile pic? I posted a few videos for doing your eyes and making them bigger. I have never done a makeup video myself, I am not exactly skilled. I am getting better after watching some videos but I just can’t get the same amazing look they do. I look better than before trying the videos….

  2. Bwhahahha – you kill me @lynne!! But actually now that I think about it – I always opt for sunglasses if I can. Otherwise I pretty much look like a deer caught in the headlights trying to take a decent picture LOL “Smile, keep the eyes open, smile” LOL

    • Hey whatever makes you happy @tamara737 ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t mind you wearing sunglasses. Its a good look. Bonus is it also hides dark rings under eyes from lack of sleep which most moms have. I love my sunglasses and as soon as I go outside I wear them. They are an accessory, not just eye protection.

  3. Real mom problems lol ๐Ÿ™‚

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