Kid Playdough Activity

18 Montessori Activities To Keep Your Kids Busy At Home

Practical life activities that are taken seriously and are introduced as impactful and approachable challenges, can be inherently meaningful and educational. It is not simply learning how to get dressed or peeling some fruit. The child learns how to follow a multifaceted motor sequence, independently, for him to fulfil his own needs and desires.

When these skills are learned early in life, it permits children to develop self-discipline and believe in themselves and their abilities which is needed when striving to reach success, throughout their lives. People who are not yet familiar with the Montessori learning process might question how it is beneficial to learning as opposed to something more academic such as mathematical concepts.

Montessori Activities To Keep Your Kids Busy At Home

What Is The Purpose Of Montessori Learning?

Montessori involves practical life skills that teaches a child things that they have to learn anyway, but it is done in such a manner that it forms part of academic disciplines that develop the same primary fundamental emotional and executive skills. Reading, language, and math all require a child the ability to focus and to be able to follow sequential and logical steps, to make smart choices, to keep going when they make a mistake, to correct mistakes, and to do a task from start to finish.

All of these are part of the learning process and doing practical life activities. In this post, we will be sharing Montessori activities to keep your kids busy at home, whether through educational toys for kindergarteners, or life activities that help with developing essential skills.

 18 Montessori Activities To Keep Your Kids Busy At Home

Gross Motor Activities

Puzzle Distance Game

Take your child’s favorite puzzle and place it in the living room. Have them build it in their room, which means they have to keep walking back and forth to fetch a piece. This type of distance game is extensively used in Montessori classrooms to encourage movability and retaining information (i.e., which piece they require) while walking.

Jumping Rope

This is such a basic and easy activity which you can do in open areas inside. Just show your children where they are allowed to jump rope without breaking things.

Interactive Educational Activities 

Kickstarter Campaign – KidX Interactive Toy

One of the best education toys preschoolers can benefit from in Montessori learning is this interactive toy. The KidX was developed for bridging physical play with interactive learning online using a tablet. This toy permits kids to use physical toys to interact with while learning online. KidX amalgamates the best online learning with playing offline, which allows children to learn wherever and at any time. The toy blends standard Montessori practices and years of child surrounding brain activity and science as well as the most recent technologies in learning to merge online and offline education for young kids.

Advantages of KidX

  •  Learning life skills early on
  • Stimulating kid’s brains
  • Giving your child a better education
  • Focus on other things while your child plays
  • Less screen time
  • A fun experience overall
  • Compatible with various apps
  • Specially created for non-Montessori experts

Sorting buttons

Practical Life Activities

Sorting Buttons (kids older than 3 years of age)

Kids love sorting buttons into different colors and sizes and placing them into different bowls. You do not have to stick to buttons only. You can give them various objects for sorting, i.e., beads, marbles, etc.

Cutting Carrots

Even if your kid does not enjoy eating carrots, he will enjoy cutting them up and preparing them for you. Place a tray on the table with everything that he might need: scrub brush, apron, bowl of water, peeler, cutting board, etc. Teach him how to wash, peel and dice it into smaller pieces. Other popular Montessori foods for prepping include slicing apples, peeling hard boiled eggs, or peeling clementines.

Making Trail Mix

Give your kids several different snack foods like nuts, cereal, and dried fruits. Let them use a measuring scoop for scooping different items and making their own trail mix for snacking.


Young kids love scrubbing because you can see noticeable results. They love scrubbing tables, rain boots, chairs, or waterproof toys.

Watering Plants

Give him a small watering can and show him how to check if indoor plants need watering.

Egg Shell Grinding

Eggshells are perfect as fertilizer. Teach your child not to throw away egg shells, but how to grind it with a mortar and pestle to sprinkle over potted plants inside.


One of the first things that you can teach your little one is sweeping the floor with a dustpan and small broom. Toddlers love to do things themselves and are eager to help mom and dad with cleaning chores.

Matching Socks

When it is time to fold the laundry, put your child in charge of sorting socks. This is an excellent activity for giving them responsibility and giving them a lesson in visual discrimination.

Kids Painting

Art Activities


Teach your child to use only a bit of glue by giving them glue and a paintbrush. The tinier objects they are gluing, is excellent for fine motor skill development.

Working With Clay

Kids adore play-doh, but did you know this activity is ideal for preparing them for writing and strengthening their little hands?


Even kids as young as three years old have access to paint in Montessori classrooms. Start with the basics of two to three colors at a time until they have learned to rinse their paintbrush. Also show them how to clean up spills.

Mixing Colors

Fill dropper bottles with blue water, red water, and yellow water. Allow them to mix the colors in a paint palette to see the different color combinations they can make.

Sewing Activities

Bead Stringing

Use things like pony beads, pasta, or other things to teach your child to thread items on a knotted string or shoelace.

Necklace Making

This is typically the first activity where kids learn to use a needle, but it is a yarn needle which is not sharp. They also work with various beads of different sizes and colors. 

Sewing Buttons

All that is needed is a needle, a piece of fabric, and thread. Teach your child how to thread a needle, tie a knot, and sew a button on. Most children are ready at around 3 ½ or 4 years old to start learning this skill under supervision.


We hope you have found this post about 18 Montessori activities to keep your kids busy at home useful and that you will incorporate some of our suggestions.

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  1. stephanie videira

    Really great things to do with kids, will be doing some now that i have both my girls at home for the hoildays

    • Lynne Huysamen

      Yes we all need a way to keep our kids busy now with lockdown! It’s going to be a long, quiet winter at home Stephanie!

  2. Sindiswa Mbuyisa

    I really enjoyed reading this❤️.. Thank you so much

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