Mommy Hero Happy Event With Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp

Wednesday was a wonderful day. Being invited to join the Happy Event#MommyHero morning by Happy Event was an honour and to be able to meet Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp along with many other wonderful women was mind-blowing.

If you have children then I am sure you have heard of Happy Event, it is the cream to have when you are expecting a baby to moisturize your body and to prevent stretchmarks. Due to the fact that it is so good most moms continue to use Happy Event long after their babies are grown up.

I’ve got to take my hat off to Michelle and Tasneema from Spice4Life and Angelica from Happy Event for arranging this event, it was so well done. What I really loved is how intimate it was and how we all got to really engage with each other.

My only regret for the morning was that I didn’t get to talk to more amazing women due to the fact that I had to leave early to attend another event.

So in case you want to know Elena Afrika-Bredenkamp is a stunning person with a great sense of humour. I was totally taken aback by the way she hugged and kissed me before we even exchanged our first words. She showed me the most gorgeous video of her daughter dancing – as mothers do but it wasn’t what I expected from a celebrity.

Thank you Elana for being such a real and pure soul. It’s no wonder you are the face of Happy Event!

Lynne Huysamen Elana Afrika-Bredencamp
Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp and Lynne Huysamen

Meeting Lauren Kinghorn from Inspiring Mompreneurs has been long overdue and it finally happened at this event. We have actually been firm friends for a few years already, having met on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. We have spoken on the phone many times and via Whatsapp, sharing tips and leads as well as just supporting each other as mommy bloggers.

Meeting in person was such a natural move forward, it feels like we have been meeting for coffee dates for years anyway!

Along with Lauren I met her mom Jill, which also felt completely natural since she is also on the Wealthy Affiliate platform and we have chatted online many times.

Lynne Huysamen, Lauren Kinghorn and Jill
From left – Lauren Kinghorn, Lynne Huysamen and Jill


I also had the pleasure of meeting Grace Stevens and she is an absolute hoot. She is so much fun and down to earth. Grace has a baking blog and Youtube channel. I just checked out her channel and have seen some amazing things to make, first up for me is this delicious pull apart bread! So much for me staying away from carbs and white bread… oh dear.

Lynne Huysamen and Grace Stevens
Lynne Huysamen and Grace Stevens

Meeting Kim Muller from Muller Kids, Lisa Bartlett from Chronicles Of Baby Cassidy and Cindy Alfino from 3 Kids 2 Dogs and 1 Old House was also awesome. I have seen them on Facebook sharing their posts in the same groups and I have visited their blogs before but now I got to meet the moms face to face and get to know them better.

Lynne Huysamen, Kim Muller, Cindy Alfino, Lauren Kinghorn, Lisa Bartlett
From Left – Lynne Huysamen, Kim Muller, Cindy Alfino, Lauren Kinghorn and Lisa Bartlett

Along with meeting all these lovely women there was a spread of note that almost looked too good to eat! In fact for the better part of the morning the moms were taking photos of the food and instagramming it… typical blogging behaviour isn’t it?

The morning ended off with the most amazing arm, neck and head massage before I had to head out to catch the tail-end of the Netflix Mother’s Day event.

Once again thank you to everyone that made this event possible and thank you to all the amazing, strong and beautiful women that I met.

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  1. Elize Swanepoel

    Oh wow, this sounds like a great event and the food ….. need I say more. 🙂

    It must be awesome to meet kindred spirits and all these fellow bloggers and people you’ve dealt with via social media and other channels over the years.

    It is great to have a support system and people that you can connect with on a social as well as professional level.

    I am envious sometimes when I see the events and perks that you guys enjoy that goes along with blogging.

    Not to mention all the interesting celebrities and people you meet along the way.

    But as outgoing as I am, I don’t have the confidence to meet and greet with people, speak in public or pull off great reviews on products.

    Blogging is not easy and I don’t know how you commit to all the events, writing and engage with your followers. Blogging is a full-time job in itself.

    Ilana Africa looks like a stunning person. I’ve only seen her in the media when she was a presenter. She has such a bubbly personality and has really accomplished a lot in her career.

    I follow Cindy’s blog (3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 old house) for a while now. I love reading her blog posts about their family. Her post are entertaining and comical at times. They will be embarking on a long road trip soon and I look forward to read about their journey).

    All in all this sounds like a great event and having that massage before leaving sounds like Heaven on earth.

  2. Lauren Kinghorn

    Aah, Lynne, what a fabulous morning!
    It was super special to finally meet you at the #MommyHero #HappyEvent and then again at the LG Event the week after.
    I agree wholeheartedly, Elana and Grace were both gorgeous.
    I am so stoked about the mug too, a daily reminder that someone out there recognises us and all our hard work. 😉

    • Lynne Huysamen

      It was amazing to meet you too @happyhumanpacifier – and the LG event was also great. I am back in Cape Town this weekend but I am going to be so busy and will have my kids with me making everything so much harder to get to. I am back in CT again around the 17th and 18th June and guess what? I am probably going to be a guest on Grace’s channel. I can’t wait! I will let you know my movements closer to the time, maybe we can squeeze in a cup of coffee.

  3. Lauren Kinghorn

    Ooh… pity we can’t set up a playdate for our boys this weekend. Totally understand how hectic it can be. Love that you’re coming into town more often lately.
    CONGRATULATIONS on being invited as a guest on Grace’s channel!! That is uber awesome! I felt like such a dweeb after the event when a newspaper article caught my eye… there was Grace’s lovely face and an article that started with: “Celebrity Chef, Grace Stevens”. When I met here at the Event and she said she came as Elana’s friend, I joked, “Haha, hobnobbing with the rich and famous, are we?”. Oops!! I really must get to know my South African celebrities. The fact that she continued being friendly towards me shows what a graceful celeb she is.

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