Pregnant Rub Cream Into Skin

How To Take Care Of Your Skin During Pregnancy

Let’s be real.

Pregnancy is no small thing. Your body undergoes a lot of changes during those nine months. Your hormones fluctuate during the entire time and it can lead to a lot of things – both wanted and unwanted. One such unwanted thing during pregnancy is various skin conditions that are very bothersome. Here is how you can deal with them.

How To Take Care Of Your Skin During Pregnancy

1. Breakouts

Due to your sudden hormonal changes, you might be back to your high school phase with all the breakouts. However, the only recommended way to deal with this is with is by going organic. Most of the acne-reducing products are super harmful to use during your pregnancy because they can be absorbed into your bloodstream. Wash your face thrice a day (at least) with water and mild cleanser and use all natural products to gradually get your skin back in the game.

2. Dry skin

Hormones are, well, jerks. In some, they cause crazy oily skin while in other people, they suck all the moisture out of the skin. There is also a section of unfortunate folks who have to deal with both (more on that later). As we all know, one foolproof way to battle dry skin is to hydrate. Drink loads of water, eat your veggies and fruits. Use moisturizer on your face and hydrating lotions on your arms and legs without fail to combat the dryness of the skin.

Pregnancy Melasma

3. Melasma

Melasma is another skin condition that bothers a lot of pregnant women. Melasma is the dark spots appearing on your face, usually on the nose, cheeks, lips, and forehead. Usually, topical creams are used to deal with melasma but most of them have some kind of corticosteroids and their usage isn’t recommended during pregnancy. They are supposedly bad for the fetus so you gotta opt for organic and all natural oils and products. Bio oil has rave reviews everywhere and Olay’s perfecting serum is also supposedly amazing so you can give ‘em a try.


4. Pre-existing skin conditions

Oh, the wildness of pregnancy! It can drastically drag your pre-existing conditions to hell. Or you can be blessed with a glowing dewy skin. Conditions like Atopic dermatitis and psoriasis usually get better, although atopic dermatitis has the equal possibility of getting worse. During this period, try and use vitamin e oil, aloe vera gel for soothing the rashes and refrain from touching or rubbing the rashes. Alternatively, CBD oil can also be used for reducing the inflammation and pain.

Pregnant yummy stretchmarks

5. Skin Tags and Stretch marks

Skin tags and stretch marks are the most common pregnancy skin irks. However, they aren’t harmful or painful. Skin tags can be removed after the pregnancy and you can use certain home remedies to do it. As per stretch marks, well, they’re gonna take some time to fade away. (Also, there’s nothing wrong with them). There are multiple products in the market that can help you with the stretch mark issue.

Eating right and having enough rest is super important during pregnancy. This helps you to take care of your skin issues as well. Include a lot of vegetables in your daily diet to have a healthy skin, and drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. Insomnia can be an issue during pregnancy and can be won over with yoga, and proper medication. Take care and happy pregnancy!

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