Diapered Babies

Evolution Of The Nappy

When parents think about nappies today, they consider disposable diapers such as Pampers or they can opt for cloth diapers which are super-soft and made from natural fibres. The evolution of the nappy has made it a lot more convenient for modern parents in present day and certainly has an interesting history with remarkable facts that you may find surprising.

Ancient times, before nappies were invented

Parents today don’t have to improvise like moms and dads from ancient times that had to resort to wrapping their babies in animal skins, milkweed leaves, linens or other natural resources. In warmer climates parents even left babies naked and foresaw baby’s urinations and bowel movements. Many women carried a small clay pot with them until baby has to go. It may sound unlikely, but even today in poor countries moms still make use of this method because they have not choice as they can’t afford nappies, or it may not be available. Thanks to eco-conscious parents, the concept of elimination communication (natural infant hygiene) has made a comeback. Parents familiarize themselves with their body’s signals which alerts them when baby needs to defecate or urinate and place them on the toilet or a potty to relieve themselves.

Where did it all start?

It was only since the late 1800s that the concept of a cloth nappy was instituted. The word diaper denotes specifically to a white cloth made from cotton or linen since the very first nappies were made from a piece of cloth which was cut into a square or rectangular shape.

The development of disposable nappies

In the 1950s the first disposable nappy has made its appearance and has changed the Industry forever. Modern parents today are spoilt for choice with a broad range of disposable nappies available on the market. Disposable nappies are not only super convenient but are easy to use and considered a more sanitary option than cloth diapers. They also have a higher absorption proficiency with special crystals pulling liquid away from the nappy, preventing nappy rash. They can simply be disposed of after use and they require no washing or drying. Eco-conscious parents can even opt for brands that offer organic or biodegradable nappies. In these modern times we live in it is difficult to imagine life without disposable nappies since they do an amazing job of keeping baby’s skin dry. And nappies for bedtime are specifically designed to keep baby dry for longer periods of time.


Unquestionably, disposable diapers are one of the most standout consumer products of the twentieth century and continues to progress rapidly into becoming lighter, smaller, cheaper, more ubiquitous and environmentally friendly every year. Disposable nappies offer a contemporary solution to an age-old necessity, keeping infants dry, clean and free from infections.

Check out the infographic below from Pampers

Infographic - Evolution Of The Nappy

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