breastfeeding basics

Breastfeeding Basics – Tips For New Nursing Moms

Breastfeeding basics for the new mom.

A precious tiny baby is born, a mother is born too.

To this new baby, the mother is perfect, all that he wants and needs. The new mother wants the very very best of everything for this perfect child, every item of clothing was specially chosen, the pram, the car seat, the clothes, all the very best she could afford.

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Breastfeeding basics for the new mom

Well of course her baby would get the best possible food too. Mommy is going to breastfeed her baby. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world. But that doesn’t mean its always easy in the beginning.

Breastfeeding is an art and any art takes time to perfect, breastfeeding is the same.

Very few mothers decide from the beginning that they will not breastfeed. Most babies that are formula fed are because mom struggled in some way and had no help or support to over come her difficulty.

Breastfeeding Basics To Get Off To A Good Start

Here are a few basic tips for the early days:

  1. Put baby to breast as soon as possible after birth;
  2. The more baby sucks the sooner you will have your milk come in;
  3. Baby does not need top ups in hospital, a newborns tummy is the size of a marble, the little bit of colostrum is perfect for her;
  4. It is normal for a new baby to want to feed every hour, it does not mean you do not have enough. This is how your breasts are stimulated to make milk, by giving top ups or a dummy you interfere with this vital stage. It will only last a week or two;
  5. Moms’ milk supply is only fully established by six weeks so perseverance is needed;
  6. The correct latch is absolutely vital for successful breast feeding; and
  7. Breastfeeding should not hurt. If it does, something isn’t right.

If you follow these tips you should not have to worry about supply issues.

For Most New Mothers Support Is Very Important

These will help a mom’s breastfeeding experience to be easier:

  • Hubby supporting mom and baby;
  • Supportive family;
  • Friends that are supportive; and
  • Professionals – doctors/ nurses

La leche league offers wonderful support for breastfeeding mothers.

Who Is La Leche League?

La Leche League is an international voluntary organisation. Our Mission is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.

All leaders have successfully breastfed at least one baby for at least a year.
The leaders help mothers on a one to one basis, or on the telephone or email.
Monthly support meetings are held where mothers can raise concerns and just socialise with other mothers. Children and babies are always welcome.

To find your nearest LLL leader go to the website and look for the list in your area.

Naomi Mitchell

(La Leche League Leader)

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  1. I struggled initaially while in the hospital. I fopund it so frustrating, but the support I got from a nurse helped alot and made me feel alot better. Its so important for new moms to have a support system like you’ve mentioned. Moms should be given articles like this before they give birth, because we are not always told the facts until after the fact or when it is too late. I enjoyed breastfeeding my first and I hope to breastfeed my 2nd for a longer period when she arrives in June.

  2. Shafeeka Anthony

    Thanks for the informative read! I believe, no matter what position you find yourselves in, support can get you through it, or at least half way, the other half is not how big the struggle is, but your attitude towards the struggle. Le Lache sounds like a beneficial support initiative. A mother is not expected to be a perfect mother as soon as a baby is welcomed into the world. We all learn, and we’re allowed to NOT KNOW at times. We ask for support and we grow. Grow from situation to situation and extend the support and knowledge learnt and gathered, and pass onto another mom. She may have pride weighing her down, but guaranteed, she’ll appreciate the support. We sometimes hold back, when asking is the only step we’re missing. A simple, ‘please help’ is all we often need. Strength to those who are struggling, and a word of advice: ‘seek help now for things that can be treated, rather than allowing all these speed bumps to take control, giving depression a chance to knock at your door.’ Know that we’re in a time where we have access to professional, medical, and friendly support by the click of a button, so reach out, you’re just going to be a better you for your baby and a stronger, more confident you for YOU!

  3. I so wish I could have breastfed for longer. I breastfed until about 5 or 6 months. I am the only person at work, running a store. So I tried expressing during the day. But it doesn’t work. As soon as I started, I had customers. I also had a very hungry boy. So I had to bottle feed before bed and express before I go to bed. It is so sad that our government can’t provide us with maternity leave of 2 years, like Canada and Aus.

  4. Nicolette Niemann

    I struggled with breastfeeding my baby boy at first. He was in ICU after birth and I had to express to send milk to him…so I only started breastfeeding him on day 4. It went ok as he only drank a little bit. When we got home, a whole different story! I hated it and I was in so much pain. I would express and feed him with the bottle BUT I had such engorged breasts and fell ill due to it! I eventually went to see the lovely people at the Storks Nest at N1 City Hospital Cape Town and the Sr there helped me so much that I haven’t looked back since! I enjoy breastfeeding now…amazing what a bit of encouragement, help, advice and coaching can do!

  5. To be honest … I hated it. It wasn’t easy, it didn’t come naturally to me and I was not happy. I lasted about a week with both my babies and then called it quits. Giving my babies a bottle of formula felt right .. I was happy, they were happy and looking back 5 years since my daughter, and almost 2 since my son, it was the best thing I did for them.

    I had ultrasound & laser treatments, went to a breastfeeding clinic – but nothing helped! No amount of advice or encouragement worked – it actually made me feel pressured and like a failure. Its NOT for everyone! That first bottle changed my life – I became the mom I wanted to be. My baby was content and I was doing a good job.

    It’s your choice as a mom how & when u want to feed your babies – I wish people would stop making moms who can’t and/or don’t want to breastfeed feel guilty. It’s not a must and it’s not the only option. My kids are no different to those that were breastfed, and no one will ask them one day either. I really does not matter! A baby that is fed, cleaned and loved is all that matters!

  6. I am breastfeeding my 2 week old and my nippers really hurt and are really sore what can I do…cause I want to nurse her still

    • Oh shame Mandy! Check out my latest post about breastfeeding that shares all my best breastfeeding tips for new moms.. but to answer your question I think laser treatment would really help you. I had cracked and bleeding nipples with my first baby and it was so terribly sore I nearly stopped breastfeeding! I had the laser treatment done at my nearest hospital and within 24 hours they were healed.

      Also just check your baby is latching properly because that can cause nipple pain. Your whole nipple should be in your baby’s mouth, not just the tip of the nipple.

      Good luck mommy!

  7. I love this I didn’t had a problem breastfeeding my 3 kids it just came naturally and I loved it but nipples was very sore with 1st born

  8. This was truly lovely to read. I remember the first thing the nurse did when she brought me my baby was put him to my breast.

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