Behind The Scenes 18 February 2022 – Baboon Scare, SOS, Car Damage & No Internet

It’s been interesting week behind the scenes 18 February 2022 – including a baboon scare, an SOS emergency that turned out to be a test, damage to my car and a few days without any internet. Here’s what’s been happening in my life this past week.

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Behind The Scenes 18 February 2022

Golden Products With Chantal From Meet_The_Neutrals

It was great having Chantal live with me to talk about the Golden Product samples she gave me to try out. I was given the Super Gro – one sample diluted and one undiluted as well as LDC.

On Monday night I sprayed the LDC and diluted Super Gro onto my hair and massaged it into my scalp. On Tuesday I washed my hair mixing in the undiluted Super Gro into my conditioner. On Wednesday my hair was silky smooth and was so easy to brush with no knots and only two hairs coming out. Lately my hair has been coming out in clumps when I brush it so it was great to see such fantastic results so quickly!

I still need to use these samples for a bit longer before I write a full review on my website.

Crazy Week – SOS, Baboon Scare, Car Damage & Internet Down!

It was supposed to be a quiet weekend away in Cape Town staying with my sister and seeing my cousin that is down from the UK. We started off with a quick walk to the beach as soon as we got to my sister. I left the beach with my kids to meet Chantal from Meet_The-Neutrals to get the Golden Products samples. We walked back at quite a pace to ensure she didn’t have to wait for us.

However as soon as we got to the house I got an SOS alert on my phone saying my sister was in trouble. I tried phoning her but it wouldn’t go through. My kids and I raced back to the beach at full speed to help my sister and while running down Chantal called to say she was at the house. I could barely breathe never mind speak and explained there was an emergency and I would call her as soon as I could. When we got to the spot where we left my sister there was nobody there, so I clicked on the link in the SOS alert to track her. It showed she was further up the beach so we kept racing down the beach, with me giving everyone we passed the beady eye.

When we came to the end of the beach my sister phoned me and said sorry she was testing her SOS service. I have never run that fast for so far in my life. I could barely breathe… and I looked up to Chantal waving to us from the parking lot. She gave the products to me and I apologized for making her wait and for the state I’m in. A combination of adrenaline, embarrassment and nearly dying of fatigue. All sweaty, red faced and dishevelled.

My advice to anyone wanting to test their SOS service – let your loved ones know BEFORE you test and wait to see the two blue ticks that they have read it before going ahead. My heart nearly gave in.

On Saturday morning we headed to Miller’s Point Beach for a picnic with my cousin. I was following my sister in her huge bakkie into the parking lot and we went over a massive hole causing damage to the underside of my car. Not to anyone driving a huge bakkie when someone is following behind in a low sedan – we can’t drive over the things you can!

As soon as we had settled ourselves on the beach and laid out the most amazing picnic spread a massive male baboon appeared right next to us obviously intent on getting in on the action. All I did was sh** myself and drop my cracker in the sand. My kids raced up the rocks behind us and thankfully my cousin jumped into action shouting and waving his arms at the baboon scaring it off.

Note to self – watch out for baboons at Miller’s Point Beach! It was quite the experience though, I must have been less than 2m away from that baboon which is the closest I’ve ever been to a baboon without anything in between us such as being in car or it being behind a fence. They are amazing creatures but I would prefer to admire them from a safe place.

It appears things do happen in threes because that was the limit of the unexpected things for the weekend. Miller’s Point is a beautiful beach and the weather was perfect.

On Sunday we took a drive to Simonstown to see the penguins and I was so happy to see that we could get into the paid section of the penguin walk with my family Wildcard. It was the first time going on this walk, we usually go on the free one only.

This week work has been tough since my internet connection went down first thing Wednesday morning due to a Telkom fault which make working online rather tricky. Thankfully I can connect to my neighbour’s wifi from my desk, however no other device (including my phone) is able to connect. That means no TV for the kids and it means they want to take over my laptop to watch Youtube and Netflix.

Yesterday morning I had to top up my 3G on my phone but I couldn’t do it via my laptop since I have to approve the purchase using my bank app on my phone. So I spent some time lurking suspiciously outside my neighbour’s gate at 7am to get closer to his wifi so I could access internet banking on my phone.

CHOC Flip Flip Day 2022

Today is CHOC Flip Flip Day so I am wearing my Flip Flop Day sticker from PNA and the Plakkie flip flops I was gifted. This truly is an amazing and fun initiative to support children with cancer. There is still time to get your sticker from PNA for just R10.

Connecting The Dots Screening

I’m so excited to have received two tickets to see Connecting The Dots on next week Tuesday at The Labia Theatre in Cape Town. I’ve invited Judy from Fun Mamma SA to be my date. Mental health issues are so close to my heart so this mental health film about kids and teens is going to be right up my alley.

Get A Taste Of Bestmed

Taste of Bestmed Virtual Cook-along

I love cooking so I am very much looking forward to the Taste of Bestmed virtual cook-along I’ve been invited to with Bestmed’s Sales and Marketing Executive, Madelein Barkhuizen and none other than multi-award-winning Chef Tumi ‘Chew-Me’ Mogoai.

I’ve got all my ingredients ready to make Tumi’s Mediterranean flat bread with paprika chicken, yoghurt and mint pesto! I will let you know next week how it turns out.


I’m still very much loving SnapnSave – I am usually about to book at least one offer for every shop, sometimes more! There is nothing better than getting money back on everyday purchases on things I would be buying anyway.

Only one bummer this week I got my first till slip rejected and I never kept it so I must remember to hold onto my till slips until they have been approved in future.

If you want to know more about SnapnSave click here.


Ysense 17 February 2022

Ysense Earnings Update

I am still very much loving earning money through Ysense – the total amount I’ve earned so far for February is $90.30 (R1351.60) which is not bad at all for a side income in my spare time!

Read my review for how it all works as well as this post sharing tips on how to earn more through Ysense. Click here to sign up for Ysense.

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