Bathroom Remodelling – Everything You Need to Know

Remodelling a bathroom doesn’t have to be a huge endeavour. In fact, by following our tips below, you can make small, simple changes to your bathroom that will improve the look and the efficiency of your bathroom without a huge money and time investment.

Bathroom Remodelling - Everything You Need To Know

Change Your Flooring

The flooring in your bathroom can really set the tone of the whole room. Although it seems like tiles are the obvious choice, if you aren’t a fan of tiles, or you want a big change, hard wood flooring is another suitable option. This type of flooring is fine for average bathroom use as long as you ensure it is sealed and stained properly.

Update Your Lighting

So many bathrooms have inadequate lighting and are either dingy or flooded with harsh fluorescent light – neither of which are a good option for your beauty and skin care routine. Install a light with a dimmer switch to enable you to create atmospheric lighting for when you want a nice long bath and brighten the light when you are doing something that requires close visibility like plucking your eyebrows.

Change Your Colour Scheme

Lighter pastels, creams and whites can lend an illusion of space to a smaller bathroom, but adding colour pops can really change the whole look and feel of your bathroom. Think about adding a coloured mirror frame, a different design of blind or maybe even an abstract design on a feature wall.

Don’t be tempted to go for coloured fittings (eg. bath, sink, toilet) unless you are happy to continually change them as trends change. A coloured suite might seem like a fun way to make a change, but as trends change, you might come to feel that your bathroom is dated. There are many great options in white for your toilet, shower, bath and sink.

Bare Bathroom

Change Your Storage Options

A free standing cupboard is a good addition to your bathroom if you have the space – it adds a whole new feature to the room and is easy to move and relocate next time you fancy a change to your bathroom.

If space is an issue, built-in cupboards and cabinets can be real space savers. As can wall mounted hooks for things such as towels, robe etc.

Use Mirrors

No bathroom is complete without a mirror right. Although most bathroom cabinets give you a practical mirror to use for intricate work on your face, consider a second mirror to add a creative flair to the room and give the illusion of more space. You can use the additional mirror to bring that colour pop that we talked about above too.

Positioning the mirror opposite a window where possible will add extra light to the room and can really brighten up a dull bathroom making it a light and airy space that you will want to use.

Change The Layout

If you’re thinking of a complete overhaul, and you always feel like your bathroom isn’t a happy room, it can be worth thinking about doing some repositioning and following the Feng Shui rules for your bathroom – such as not having clutter in the room, always keeping the door closed and not having your toilet facing the door.

Hopefully this guide has given you some pointers on where to start with your bathroom renovations. In no time at all, you’ll have a bathroom that you truly love.

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One comment

  1. Great tips for a remodel – they say bathrooms and kitchens sell homes… walking into a bathroom that looks amazing where you literally have to only bring a toothbrush is a dream for prospective home buyers

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