Woman in pain

All You Need To Know About CBD Oil As An Effective Painkiller

Several studies have found a correlation between CBD oil intake and decreased pain. CBD is a cannabinoid extracted from the cannabis plant which, unlike THC, has no psychotropic / euphoric effects. CBD oil is anti-inflammatory and it helps relax muscles and has a positive effect on chronic pain.

CBD Oil An Effective Painkiller

CBD oil as a painkiller, all you need to know

The CBD oil is very well received by the human body because inside our body there is an endocannabinoid system that produces natural cannabinoids. It consists of several chemical signaling molecules and 2 CB1 and CB2 receptors.

CBD can therefore penetrate the endocannabinoid system and stimulate its effects.

The extraction of CBD from the cannabis plant consists of a rather complicated process, to ensure a high quality and a minimum or no THC concentration. CBD oil, to be legal, cannot have a THC concentration higher than 0.2 mg per gram. CBD can have real effects on pain, because this cannabinoid comes into contact with various cells in the body, including the immune system.

CBD oil against chronic pain

The Egyptians already used cannabis oil against pain; thanks to modern research it is now possible to extract CBD from the plant. This substance can make a great improvement in the lives of people suffering from chronic pain. Although it cannot be considered a cure for everyone, since the 1980s there have been many studies to confirm the pain-relieving effect of CBD.

CBD, useful for various diseases

CBD oil as a remedy for rheumatism and arthritis. These chronic diseases are among the most widespread and affect a large portion of the population. Most people find themselves struggling with chronic joint, muscle or back pain. These diseases are not treated by CBD oil, but the symptoms can be minimized and sometimes the development of the disease can even be inhibited. Furthermore, CBD has an anti-inflammatory effect and does not have significant side effects.

CBD oil as a remedy for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a rheumatological disorder that affects women more often than men. Fibromyalgia leads to fatigue, muscle pain and reduced energy levels as the main symptoms. Furthermore, fibromyalgia is often accompanied by migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome and IBS.

The interesting thing is that CBD oil can help in areas where fibromyalgia itself occurs, since the endocannabinoid system exactly affects these areas. CBD oil would seem to alleviate the pain of fibromyalgia patients, and it could be the perfect homeopathic medicine that doctors have long been looking for.

CBD oil as a remedy for the symptoms of multiple sclerosis

People with multiple sclerosis can suffer from periodic or even daily cramps, pain, fatigue and insomnia. Some of these disorders are difficult to treat with traditional medicine. CBD oil could be the homeopathic remedy to help patients who cannot relieve the pain of multiple sclerosis with conventional drugs. Israeli researchers tested CBD oil on mice with multiple sclerosis and concluded that pain was significantly reduced. Furthermore, they realized that CBD oil is anti-inflammatory and did not damage the nerve cells of mice at all.

The University of Plymouth also stated that CBD oil is twice as relaxing for muscles than the placebo remedy. Several experiences of multiple sclerosis patients who have already tested CBD oil can be found with positive effects.

Not feeling well

Positive effect of CBD oil on pain

Scientific studies show that best CBD oil can benefit patients in the following situations:

– Cancer pain (pain therapy)
– Chronic pain of neurological origin
– Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
– Post-operative pain
– Anorexia from AIDS
– Alzheimer’s
– Glaucoma
– Epilepsy
– Anti-tumor cytotoxic therapy
– Psoriasis
– Urinary incontinence, bladder disorders
– Sleep disorders, sleep apnea
– Anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression
– Migraine / headache
– Multiple sclerosis and other serious neurological diseases (ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, spinal damage, etc.)
– Meningitis
– Nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy
– Schizophrenia
– Weak immune response
– Arthritis
– And many more

The side effects of CBD oil

Like all other drugs, it could have side effects that are really minimal. Below we will list the known side effects:

Dry mouth

In the early stages of taking CBD oil, you will see a dry mouth. This side effect only lasts until the body gets used to the new substance.


Chlorophyll contained in CBD oil can cause diarrhea because it purifies the intestinal tract. This effect also vanishes after the first uses.

Lower blood pressure

After taking a high dose of CBD oil, there may be a small drop in blood pressure, so it is always advisable to discuss the dosage with a doctor in advance, even more important if you are already taking antihypertensive drugs. This side effect could also be a positive effect if you suffer from high blood pressure.

CBD oil dosage

There are no precise indications but the correct dosage must be found for each consumer, starting with a low dose and increasing it until the desired effect is achieved. The CBD oil remains in circulation for 6-10 hours, so to distribute the effect optimally during the day and keep the CBD content in the blood constant, it is recommended to take CBD oil 3 times a day. There is no need to worry about an overdose, because the THC content in CBD oil is so low that the psychotropic effect cannot be achieved.

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  1. My friend has been complaining about her bladder, I’ll definitely tell her about CBD Oil thanks a lot for this article.

  2. We used to use this for my father in law when he had cancer may he Rip. It really helped him alot he was constantly in pain but this helped him to ease his pain but unfortunately he lost his battle against cancer 😭

  3. CBD oil is amazing for pain relief. My aunt had cancer and she used CBD oil for the pain and also for the awful side effects of the chemotherapy. I highly recommend anyone with cancer to give it a go.

  4. I have been suffering from migraines for years until recently I have been using CBD oil. I feel much better and have little to none migraines on a daily basis. I would highly recommend CBD oil.

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