Creative Writing Workshop

Top SA Literary Stars Turn Out To Inspire Learners – Koa Academy To Host Online Creative Writing Workshop For Grades 8-11

Koa Academy, South Africa’s high-engagement online school will be ending the 2023 school year on a high note by hosting an online workshop for grades 8-11, featuring some of the country’s top creative writers.  The stellar line-up of presenters includes best-selling novelist Lauren Beukes, beloved musician and lyricist, Majozi, award-winning playwright, Gabriella Pinto, celebrated poet, Diana Ferrus and co-creator of Madam & Eve, Stephen Francis.

Koa Academy Online Creative Writing Workshop

Koa’s Online Creative Writing Workshop will run each morning from 8:15 to 11:45 on Thursday, 30 November, Friday, 1 December and Monday, 4 December 2023.  The virtual event is free and open to all South Africa learners in grades 8-11.  Registration for Koa’s Online Creative Workshop is open until 20 November 2023.

Koa’s subject specialist educator for English, Elouise Fourie is the organiser of inspirational and educational workshop. 

She says, “I teach many learners who have a real talent and a passion for creative writing. My initial thought was that I wanted to find a way to give them some real insight into the creative writing industry. I wanted to find a way to inspire them but also give them something practical to use in their writing. I began contacting people who are well-known in the industry and to my surprise and delight, a lot of them were keen to be involved.” 

The line-up of 10 speakers on the programme over the three mornings also includes working writers in the fields of journalism, publishing, editing and copywriting, showcasing the range of career options for those with a talent for writing.  The programme includes Q&A sessions so that learners can engage directly with the presenters to find out more about their writing processes, creative inspirations and become familiar with writing careers that may be of interest to them in the future.

In conjunction with the Online Creative Writing Workshop, Koa is also hosting The Koa Academy Blog Writing Competition for all South African learners in grades 8-11.  Learners are required to submit an original, 400-600-word blog post on the topic, The best and worst of being a teen in 2023 by 20 November 2023.  The winners of the competition will be announced on the last day of the workshop, 4 December 2023. There’s a R1000 Exclusive Books shopping voucher to be won, as well as runner-up prizes, and the winning submissions will be published on Koa Academy’s official website.

As we engage more and more with insipid and monotonous AI-generated content, Elouise is determined to maintain the focus on learners developing their writing skills.

She says, “We certainly won’t be accepting any AI-generated or otherwise plagiarised blog competition entries! I hope the upcoming creative writing workshop will make it clear to South African learners that human creativity is both essential and thrilling.  Writing is a lot like music. The lapses and nuances are what make it beautiful. AI tools can be amazing, but they can’t match what human writers can do. I think there will always be a place for good writing. Creative writing in all its forms gives us a lens through which to view and make sense of the world. We need good writers. Whether they are writing lyrics that put you in a good mood like Majozi or novels that transport you to another world like Lauren Beukes.” 

Koa Academy invites all SA grades 8-11 learners to the FREE Koa’s Online Creative Writing Workshop 

Times:  8:15 to 11:45
Dates:  Thursday, 30 November; Friday, 1 December & Monday, 4 December 2023. 

Registration is open now, and closes on 20 November 2023

Register here

Grade 8-11 South African learners are also invited to enter The Koa Academy Blog Writing Competition by 20 November 2023.

Discover Koa Academy, visit

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About Koa Academy

Koa Academy is an IEB online school in South Africa for Grades 4-12 offering parents a future-focused option for their child’s education.  Based on a vision and framework for School 2.0, Koa Academy provides high learner engagement in 8-person Pods with a dedicated teacher in a structured, yet individualised environment. 

The academic program provides integrated learning across the South African curriculum through an innovative online platform.  Learners access carefully curated, top global educational resources.  They benefit from high levels of teacher time; ongoing, age-appropriate assessment and instant feedback through the learner dashboard. 

Academic progress is mastery-based so that learners can proceed at their own pace.  Social and emotional development is embedded in the Koa Academy schooling experience and is facilitated daily through the small class environment.  Koa Academy focuses on learning that prepares children for real-life and the development of the skills and capabilities they need to succeed in the 21st Century.

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  1. Nice information

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