Keep kids busy July

8 Fresh Ideas To Keep Your Kids Busy During The July Holidays

It’s that time of year again. The kids are on holiday, which means that if they aren’t booked into the school’s holiday programme, they’re going to be home for a few weeks. And they’re going to run out of things to do, leaving them free to get up to mischief.

The good news is that with a little planning, it’s entirely possible for you (or whoever you’ve entrusted the little darlings to) to keep the kids occupied. To make it easier for you to cherry pick the ideas that work for you, where you live, who’s looking after them, and your budget, we’ve split our top 8 tips into ideas that can work at home and ideas you can use while you’re on the road.

8 Fresh Ideas To Keep Your Kids Busy During The July Holidays

4 Brilliant Stay-at-home Suggestions

Not everyone is able to stay home and will either be adopting a flexi-work-from-home approach or be pulling in favours from family and friends to help shoulder the load. Thankfully, these 4 ideas are perfect whether it’s you at home with the kids or dear old granny.

The Great Home Bake Off

There’s something delightfully wholesome about cooking competition shows, and they’re a lot of fun to mimic at home. The best way to do this is to choose a recipe with your child (preferably something that doesn’t involve tempering chocolate) and then dedicate some time to helping them create a delicious treat.

You can ‘judge’ the dish according to how it tastes, what it looks like, and how much fun they had in the process. Score each recipe and take pictures so you can relive the memories at the end of the holiday.

Build A Box

We love this one, mostly because it doesn’t require a tonne of prep and can keep the little humans entertained for hours. All you need to do is grab a box, which is usually free from your local grocery store. Hint, grocery stores tend to have delivery boxes in the back, but make sure that you get a box that’s in good shape. After that, you’ll need to make sure you’ve got different colour paints, crayons, and stationery bits and bobs that your kids can use to decorate their boxes.

We suggest giving them an idea that they can turn into their own. For example, you can tell them to make a new creature that they need to name and take care of.

A Travelling Sleepover

Most children adore the idea of a sleepover and if yours are into it, then consider a travelling sleepover! A travelling sleepover is when each household takes a turn hosting the sleepover, so every parent gets to experience the chaos while giving the other mums and dads a break.

Holiday Camps

If you’re working and can’t rely on friends and family to help look after your progeny every day, then this is the perfect option for you. Usually, local churches and schools host week-long holiday camps, which provide a few hours for your little ones to have fun with their peers, play, and complete activities suited to their age… All under watchful supervision.

Holiday camp

4 fun road-tripping activities

If you’re lucky enough to be going away, you’ll need make sure that you’re armed with resources, activities, and hacks that’ll make the hours travelling seem less like an eternity.

Plan Your Stops

Sometimes you just have to pull over and stretch your legs. And their little legs. We highly recommend researching your route to find the best places for you and the kids to stop, and you can even pack little prizes to reward them for having a bit of a run around. Or you can use the prizes to lure them back into the car.

Classic Stories On Audio Book

For most people, reading = motion sickness. That’s why we’re so thankful that there are audiobooks that you can use to introduce your kids to the classic stories you enjoyed as a child.

Screen Time Silence

The thing about screens is that they work until they don’t. You’re going to want to keep tablets and other devices safely tucked away until it’s absolutely necessary and they’re about 2 seconds from tearing the car apart. That’s when you whip out downloaded movies, documentaries, and games and treat yourself to an hour or 2 of blissful silence.

Go Traditional

You know what, there’s something to be said for traditional colouring books. They don’t take up a lot of room and can provide hours of entertainment, so pack a tray, crayons, and a few colouring books for some old school quiet time.

Kids Wreak Havoc, So Make Sure You’re Covered

When the kids are home, accidents… Well, they just happen. Like balls flying through windows, a game of catchers that ends with a cracked TV, and all manner of tomfoolery.

That’s why it’s crucial to make sure that you’ve got an affordable home contents insurance policy that covers your home and valuables against kiddy-related accidents. This type of cover will also insure you if a thief breaks in while you’re away.

Haven’t got any cover? Just click here to look at 2 home contents insurance options (comprehensive and a more affordable ‘fire and fury’ option).

Contact us for a commitment-free quote to make sure your home contents are covered.

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