woman sitting on rock

14 Effective Ways To Fight Off Postnatal Depression

Postnatal depression is more common than most people think, with as many as one in seven women experiencing it. Symptoms of PND can include intense irritability, difficulty bonding with baby, loss of appetite, anger, feelings of guilt, loss of pleasure or interest in activities, mood swings, loneliness, sadness, and panic attacks. Here ways which will help you to fight off postnatal depression.

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14 Effective Ways To Fight Off Post Natal Depression

Ways To Fight Off Postnatal Depression

  1. Do Your Best To Keep Busy

Sitting around and staring into space will not help you at all. Try to find things to do as the busier you are the less the probability that you will feel depressed. Did you know that cleaning your home can actually improve your mental health? Set aside some time in the morning to get some cleaning chores done and it is sure to help you feel better.

  1. Crying

Crying can actually help you feel better. Crying has many benefits and after you have let it all out and had a good cry you will most likely feel better afterwards.

  1. Don’t Shut It All Up Inside

Accept that you are depressed by being honest with yourself. You need to let it all out and not keep all your feelings and helplessness inside. It will probably help to speak with someone who can understand you. By talking things over with someone that you trust and who can truly understand your feelings, you can come to terms with reality. Talking to a mom friend that can understand what you are going through will be very beneficial.

  1. Don’t Isolate Yourself

Loneliness will not help you come out of a depression, so don’t shut yourself up at home. Make sure you go out, meet friends, shop around and come up with interesting ways to spend your time with others. The baby does not have to take over your whole day. Your partner can help out by taking care of the child, and you can have some time for yourself, even for just an hour a day.

Supportive friends

  1. Focus On Your Willpower

Postnatal depression will evoke feelings of helplessness. You will feel a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. So what you need to do is to fight this off by believing in yourself. Think positively, and bear in mind that this could be your once in a lifetime experience at being the mother of a newborn. Make the most of this experience.

  1. Make Some Changes To Improve

Try to come up with ways which will help you improve your lifestyle and your attitude to life. Journaling is a great way to improve your mental health, get clarity on what you want to achieve and plan the changes you want to make.

  1. Accept Yourself

Because of the depression you may start to pinpoint things about yourself that you do not like. Rather than focusing on these things you need to be aware that it is normal to feel this way when you are depressed. Focus on the things which make you feel confident and beautiful. Put a focus on self-care and looking after yourself.

  1. Keep An Eye On What You Eat

Some foods can trigger depression and negative feelings. So you need to make sure that you avoid eating such food. Try to eat more fruit, nuts and fish. Chocolate (in moderation) can help a great deal too.

  1. Exercise

Exercise is known to be one of the best ways to conquer depression and lift your mood, plus it will help to keep you in shape and lose any baby weight you may still be carrying.

Women cycling

  1. Therapy

Therapy is a good method to fight off depression, especially if you are feeling really sad or contemplating extreme measures. You may find it easier to talk to a professional therapist who would be able to understand you as he/she would have heard several other women who went through this type of depression just like you.

  1. 12. Medication

In some cases medication may be necessary. Speak to your doctor and get the professional help you need rather than avoid it.

  1. Relax

Find ways which will help you relax. Stress and tension will only make your depression more acute. So take a hot bath, consider yoga classes, or take a walk with your husband in the countryside or by the beach. Getting enough healthy sleep is vital for your mental health.

  1. Limit Caffeine And Alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol can make it hard to fight off postnatal depression. If you are drinking coffee and alcohol consider cutting down, or even avoiding it completely.

  1. Find Something That Gives You Joy To Focus On

Take up a new hobby that makes you happy, or if there is something you stopped doing when you became a mom make sure to make some time to pick it up again. Finding joy in your day will make it easier to cope and fight off postnatal depression.

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  1. Good to know how to deal with this these 14 effectives way will help because it doesnt mean that i didnt have it with my first baby i wont have it with a second its a possibility always good to be prepared.

    • This is one of the awful thig i dont wish anyone to experience unfortunately i waa not the first and definitely was not the last to experience all the shared point are realky effective. Thank you for sharing❤

      • I also suffered from PND Alvania and you are so right, it is truly awful. The worst part for me was that I supposed to be enjoying my new baby and celebrating her life but I was a mess. Every new mom should be aware of the risks of PND and how to fight it off.

  2. I was there and start to progress I really was in a bad and suffer This was the saddest time Eva and it robbed me from all the joy and little things I missed out .i wasting a horrible state and still try to get over it all I went through. It’s a real tough time and your post say it all very helpful too. I got help and emotional was heartbroken thank you

  3. Terri-lee Falken

    PND sucks as if giving birth and becoming mom is not hard enough we still have to struggle with this. Woman are really strong human beings. These are great tips and I hope it reaches and helps many woman suffering and fighting this battle daily.

    • Lynne Huysamen

      PND is truly awful Terri-lee. I had it for 6 months after the birth of my first baby and it was a very hard time for me. I wish I had known then what I know now about PND.

  4. This is a stage of life I never wish for to even my worst enemy. This is awful especially for people who does not have enough of no information at all. This also takes a toll on families as well and it gets worse if the is no form of any support system.

    • Lynne Huysamen

      I agree with you 100% Kamo! I had PND after the birth of my first baby and it was so hard to get through the day every day for months.

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