knitting hands

5 Essential Questions For Beginner Knitters

If you’re considering taking up knitting then you’re not alone. In the last 10 years knitting has become an increasingly popular hobby and even a business for some people. Knitting is no longer the preserve of the older generation. People of all ages are now embracing it.

However, there is much to learn. The answers to these 5 popular or even essential questions for beginner knitters will help you achieve the best results:

5 essential questions for beginner knitters

  1. Is It Better To Learn English Or Continental Knitting?

English knitting refers to when you hold the needle with stitches in your left hand and the empty one in your right. Your yarn is behind your work and the stitches face towards you. The right needle slips through the loops on the left needle to create additional stitches.  In effect you are throwing the yarn over the needle. Once you’ve finished the row you switch hands so the stitches are in the left hand again; ready to start again.

Continental knitting is almost the reverse. The stitching needle is generally held in your right hand and the yarn is picked from your left as you stitch. As to which is better, this is a matter of personal preference. Ideally you should try both styles and choose the one you prefer.

  1. What Is The Best Yarn To Use?

There are many different knitting yarns available ranging from wool to cotton and even alpaca. The best one to use for beginners is wool as it is the easiest to handle and reasonably priced. This will help you to focus on improving your knitting and not worrying about how much a mistake will cost you.

  1. How Do I Cast Stitches?

Before you can do any stitch it is important to learn how to cast on. This is the starting point for any item. Casting stitches is actually quite simple. You can adopt the knitted cast on which involves putting a slip knot on the needle in your left hand. You can then thread the yarn through your slip knot using the right needle. However, you mustn’t draw the stitch off the needle. Finish by slipping the left needle back through the right. Your cast on is complete and you’re ready to start your next stitch. There are other approaches but this is definitely the simplest to get you started.

knitting needles

  1. Can I Knit Left Handed?

It is possible to knit backwards to accommodate your left hand preference. However, knitting uses both hands and you should try the conventional style first. Most people find this is comfortable regardless of whether they are left handed or right handed.

  1. Why Are there Holes In My Knitting?

This is a frustrating issue that most beginners come across. You’ve managed to knit several rows but have now noticed hoes. This is most likely to be caused by using uneven tension to create your stitches. It can also be caused by using a larger gauge needle than your pattern recommends. Unfortunately there is no option but to unpick your yarn and start again. Knitting is a lot of fun and a great way to de-stress. All you have to do is commit and you’ll quickly get the hang of it!

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