Heart Shaped Lavender Bath Bombs

DIY Lavender Bath Bombs Recipe – Quick, Easy, And Cheap

These lavender bath bombs are so easy to make and turned out to be fantastic bath bombs. It is a fun activity to do with kids and will make a stunning homemade gift for someone special.

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DIY Lavender Bath Bombs Recipe


  • 2 cups Bicarbonate of Soda
  • 1 cup Cream of Tartar
  • 1 – 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Food Colouring
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Water in a Spray Bottle
  • Silicone moulds – cupcake or ice moulds are perfect, we used a heart shaped cupcake mould


  • Mix bicarbonate of soda, tartar, essential oil, and food colouring
  • Give 2-3 sprays of water, mix well. Push spoon into mixture and see if holds shape. If it doesn’t give another few sprays of water. It must be the consistency of wet sand.
  • Fill the mould and press hard to compact it.
  • Leave for 1-2 days to dry, the longer the better.
  • Remove gently from trays and they are ready to use. If they break it is because you didn’t use enough water. Break them up and spray a bit more water in and remould them.

Mixing Bath Bombs

Lavender oil is well known for relaxation and aiding sleep, both of which I struggle with. I have heard if you put lavendar oil on your pillow it can help you sleep better…. I had a long bath with a bath bomb in and climbed into bed. My 11 month old son woke up and I put him in the bed with me to feed him and we both sleep through after that which is unusual, I wonder if him being snuggled next to me and me being lathered in lavendar oil helped him sleep better? Definitely going to be making a lot of these just in case!

My 3 year old daughter loved making this with me, especially as everything must be pink right now and hearts are very much the in thing too.

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  1. This is so cool.. def going to try it

  2. Def a keeper!

    • Ladies I bathed my 3 year old in one a few nights ago and she slept all night, didn’t even climb into my bed. Made up a whole stash of these now!

  3. I will definitely try this!

  4. My boys and I tried this yesterday, their totally loved it. Hours of fun in the bath tub 🙂

  5. Cool!!!
    Doing this one definitely

  6. Had so much fun with this activity yesterday!!!
    One to repeat!!!

  7. These will be so cool i think kids enjoy this and makes bath time easier and enjoyable every night they will ask for a bomb LOL so cool thanks for sharing

  8. @lindafourie mom here is one of the DIY bath products you love your bath products you can make then see there are a recipe for the bath bombs and its lavender you will enjoy this.

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