
How to Create an Asthma-Friendly Home

Asthma symptoms include shortness of breath, a tight chest, and coughing and wheezing. Dry air, pollen, pet dander, and dust can all exacerbate these signs and make breathing difficult. While some of these irritants are unavoidable in everyday life, there are options for making your home more asthma-friendly, especially for a child who might not know what triggers his or her attacks.

How to create an asthma friendly home

Invest in an Air Purifier

Air purifiers help eliminate excess particles and chemicals from the air that can trigger asthma. This hassle-free option can drastically improve the quality of life of the person in your house with asthma. Another easy way to keep the air in your home is to replace the air filters in your HVAC system frequently. This will also keep the system functioning as well as possible.

Use Dust-Proof Covers in the Bedroom

Coughing and wheezing due to asthma can affect sleep quality and lead to daytime drowsiness. The dust and skin particles that accumulate in bedding are often the cause of these problems, so invest in dust-proof covers for pillows, mattresses, and box springs. It is also a good idea to wash bedding at least once a week to keep these particles at bay.

Keep the Bathroom and Kitchen Dry

Wet places accumulate mold, which is a trigger for asthma. Wipe down areas around the shower and kitchen sink where water can pool to reduce the chances of mold growing. Placing dehumidifiers in bathrooms and basements where the atmosphere is humid can also help fight off mold you can’t even see in the walls.

Close Windows During Pollen Season

Fresh air is nice, but those with asthma can be affected by the natural pollen in the air just like those with hay fever. Keep an eye on the pollen count, and close the windows when it is high. Avoid the problem altogether by keeping the windows closed at all times. The best temperature for eliminating mold and dust mites is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit, so keeping the air conditioner running is often the best option when the pollen count is high.


Eliminate Smoke

Smoke from cigarettes can affect a person without asthma, but it’s even worse for someone with it. If a member of your household smokes, be sure they do it outside and away from anyone with asthma. Smoke from wood stoves can also be an asthma trigger, so try a natural gas fireplace. Install an HVAC system for central heating and cooling if your house does not already have one to keep air free of asthma-triggering smoke.

Keep Carpets Clean

Dust and other particles collect in carpet and upholstered furniture where children often play. Making the switch to hardwood floors and leather or wood furniture can essentially eliminate this problem. Vacuuming carpets at least once a week and shampooing them regularly will also help improve the life of someone with asthma.

Make your home a better place for those suffering from asthma with these proven tips.

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  1. Thank you for this awesome tips

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