How To Bath Your Newborn Baby

One of the things I was terrified of when I first came home from the hospital was bathing my new born baby. I had been shown in the hospital but I was so tired when I was there and of course then I was at home all alone wondering if I would get it all wrong.

Here is a video showing you how to bath your newborn baby.

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One comment

  1. hi Lynne it looks so easy and if it comes natural but when i had to bath my little boy the first time i was terrified i was scared and stressed sure he could also feel that bec i was afraid as well i was un-organised i didnt have stuff near me or didnt take out a nappy or vest my mom was here to help so she said keep calm next time you know so next bath i had everything by me that i might need but was still afraid bec his so tiny but the more i bathed him the better it got no im a pro LOL i think i felt so terrified bec of the umbilical cord and i didnt bath him in hospital at all my doula done that amazing bath thing where just his mouth is outside the water it was amazing he was falling asleep in her had he way she done it we made videos if that.

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